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这条管线的安装标高是若干?Whover at is the instingl elev of this pipeline?

这条管线的安装标高是若干?Whin is the instingline elevine of this pipeline?

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这条管线的装配标高是多少?Whalong with is the instingl elev of this pipeline?

这条管线的安装标高是若干?Whlocated on is the instingl elev of this pipeline?

这条管线的安置标高是多少?What is the installation elevation of this pipeline?

矿石中银的配分随着标高变化呈递变现象。The partition of silver in ores shows grading with level.

地基标高与检修道路路面持平。Foundation elevation shall be leveled with overhaul road surface.

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因此,对新课标高考试题的研究是非常必要的。Therefore, it is necessary to study the new examination of going into college.

为满足NPSH要求,罐的标高应该大约位于泵进水口3米之上。Tank elevation is to be approx. 3 meters above pum suction for NPSH requirements.

为满足净吸入压头的要求,槽的标高应该大约位于泵进水口3米之上。Tank elevation is to be approx. 3 meters above pump suction for NPSH requirements.

设计出了适合于现场测试的汽轮机组轴承标高动态测量装置。A device used for on-spot measure of bearing dynamical height of turbine is designed.

从平整度控制、板厚及标高施工控制三个方面对滑模摊铺施工方法进行论述。Discussion is made on this methods from flatness, thickness of slab and elevation control.

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为实桥施工过程中每一节段施工时立模标高的确定提供了合理的依据。This provides a reasonable basis for the elevation in every construction phase in reality.

因此由疏散星团的分布可以得到银盘的标高,及旋臂的结构。So we can investigate the scale height of the disk and even the structure of the spiral arms.

将标高逐层传递,联测外方向控制楼体扭转。Elevations pass layer-by-layer, outer direction joint measuring can control the building rotation.

从管道上部600毫米高度处到地面标高之间的回填土的压实程度应至少同周围的土质相同。Compactness from 600 mm above the pipe to surface grade shall be at least equal to surrounding soil.

基础中预留孔洞应按施工图纸要求的位置和标高留设。Reserve holes in the foundation according to the locations and elevations in the construction drawing.

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屋架支座的标高、线位移、中挠度,经测量做出记录。Roof Support elevation, the axis displacement and cross-deflection, the measurement made by the record.

固有周期在最低的三个大气标高高度上多半会受到平均风的影响。The eigenperiods, for the most part, are influenced by the mean winds in the lowest three scale heights.

这艘巨大的船体掩埋在街面标高以下30英尺处,工人们和考古学家们一起将它挖掘出来。Workers and archaeologists worked together to unearth the monster vessel, buried 30ft below street level.