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假设你是公司的老总。Maybe you are the boss at your company.

老总从未嫌弃过我,总是欣然前往。Mister never abandon me, always glad to.

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奥尔科特老总提供的女童教育。Mister Alcott provided the girls' education.

我也祝愿老总事业顺利,财源滚滚。I also wish the boss career, exchequer billow.

老总在大会上讲的都是一些浮辞滥调。What the boss said at the meeting is a cliche.

粗鄙的杂货商在老总面前叉起腿子。The gross grocer crossed his legs ago the boss.

咱们老总恨不可咱们把任务当饭吃,当水喝,当觉睡。Our boss expects us to eat, drink or wake we job.

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老总现场签售,有您意想不到的实惠。Old total site signed sale, with your unexpected benefits.

老总想要,我却只开价八千,老总会心一笑。Mister want, I can only offer eight thousand, Mister smile.

近段时间老总那边急了整天逼着我们把IP迅速地搞上去。Recently there boss made us all anxious to boost IP quickly.

他希望其他老总们能理解他的良苦用心,与他一道体味这份“苦涩”。He hopes that other bosses will wake up and smell the coffee.

这之前老总组织分公司经理给大家献歌。Before that CEOs organizations branch manager sing for everyone.

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当时,老总们也都通过了,没有人再提出疑义。At that time, misters also passed, nobody proposes the doubt again.

你的老总给你发了一条不堪入目的消息或者你的同事让你实在是很生气。Your boss sends you a nasty message or a coworker really dos you mad.

你是说你根本那是…布巴捕虾自己搞的老总?。Are you saying me you're the owner of the Bubba Gump Shrimp Corporation?

便我没向老总开口,尽管这笔药费已经影响了我的生活。Then I have to Mister openings, although this drug has affected my life.

可沙特的一个石油公司老总看来,这是个白日梦。It is a pipe dream, according to a leader of Saudi Arabia’s oil industry.

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老总,部门销售经理,总经理,车间主任。Mister, the department sells manager, general manager, workshop director.

我们是亲如兄弟的好朋友,如果我开口老总岂能袖手旁观?We are as close as brothers and good friends, if I speak Mister can stand?

在前任老总前往好莱坞发展后,法齐内蒂接手了公司。When her former boss headed for Hollywood, Facchinetti was handed control.