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一个永世长存的王者!Long live the king.

为王者应该站着死去。A King should die standing.

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然而,在中国,煤炭依然是王者。But coal is still king in China.

我是王者之王,奥西曼达斯My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings

而核桃正是所有坚果中的王者。But king among them all is the walnut.

然而当下5D仍然是王者。For now, however, the 5D remains king.

回来吧,我的王者,舒米!我想你!Come back my king Schumi ! I miss you !

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少林大炮捶,可以说是少林拳中的王者。This boxing is the king of Shaolin Boxing.

少林小炮捶可以说是少林拳中王者。This boxing is the king of the Shaolin Boxing.

阿拉与阿格迦王者之门,开启!Gate of the Lord of the ARRA and the AGGA, Open!

号称”国香,王者香”。Known as the "National fragrant incense the king."

我喜欢科比只因为他的霸气跟王者风范!I like Kobe because of his domineering and demeanor!

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体育竟技没有第二,只有王者第一!Sports has no second technical, only the first king!

马都克,五十力王者,汝之门为吾而开!MARDUK, Lord of the Fifty Powers, Open Thy Gates to me!

王者祝福现在22级时可从训练师处习得而非18级。Blessing of Kings is now trained at level 22, up from 18.

太阳,承载光明的王者,与我们同在。For Phoebus, the Light bearer King shall keep us company.

是的,迈克尔·杰克逊是一个人类,但他是一个王者!Yes, Michael Jackson was a human being but he was a king.

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一谈到电脑操作系统,我们都会认为微软是王者。As far as computer operating systems go, Microsoft is king.

再往前,是高大的石坊,俨然给人一种“王者风范”的感觉。Beyond is Shihfang tall, as if giving a "King style" feeling.

少林小炮捶,可以说是少林拳中的王者。Small Cannon Boxing is said to be the king of Shaolin boxing.