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通信工程。Communication Engineering.

跨浏览器通信。Cross-browser communication.

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我和她不再通信了。Galen and I have communicated.

用4125千赫兹以便通信。Use 4,125 kHz for communication.

用5680千赫兹以便通信。Use 5,680 kHz for communication.

作为新用户启动通信器。Start Communicator as a new user.

语音通信复合系统?。VCC? Voice Communication Complex?

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可视通信会议?。VCC?Visual Communication Congress?

视频通信处理器?。VCP?Video Communication Processor?

这正是乔尔通信所做作为。This is just what Joel Comm as done.

向量通信处理器?。VCP? Vector Communication Processor?

语音通信汇编?。VOCA? VOice Communications Assembly?

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谷歌会是你下一个无线通信生产商吗?Is Google your next wireless company?

的嘶嘶声来自一个开放的通信线。The hiss came from an open comms line.

将不会和任何人建立通信联系。No correspondence will be entered into.

多余的卫星通信站将被关闭。Surplus satcom stations will be closed.

串行通信是主要的通信手段。Series-communication is the main method.

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我们好久没有通信了。We haven't corresponded for a long time.

她与我们家保持通信联系。She was in correspondence with my family.

它使用基于套接字的原始通信方法。This uses raw socket-based communications.