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这提包带需要修理。The strap needs mending.

她喀哒一声把提包关上了。She snapped her bag shut.

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你的提包在床底下。Your bag is under the bed.

他从她手中猛然拉走了提包。He wrenched the bag from her hand.

她从随身小提包中偷偷地拿出一只手枪。She sneaked a gun out of her purse.

我老在想我那装胶卷的提包。I keep thinking about that bag of film.

这个挺顶用的男孩帮我搬运提包。The helpful boy carried my bags for me.

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提包请放在寄存处。Please leave your bag at the cloak-room.

你非患上整天携带那个提包到处走不可吗?。Do you have to cart the bag round all day?

我奔回房间取回自己的提包。I run back to my room and retrieve my bag.

我奔回房间取柏自己的提包。I ran back to my room and retrieved my bag.

他把六个大提包硬塞进了我车子的行李箱。He squeezed six big bags into the boot of my car.

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我不想去检查这提包,我可以随身携带吗?I don't want to check this bag. Can I hand-carry?

这些毒品是警犬在嗅一个提包时找到的。The drugs were snuffled in a bag by a police dog.

入境时她的提包被检查了。Her bags were examined when she entered the country.

那个缎面小提包松松地握在她的手指里。The little satin bag was held loosely in her fingers.

在一个天气清明的夜晚,我带着提包和行李,侵扰了他的家庭。One fine evening with bag and baggage I invaded his home.

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她把提包放在桌子上,提包半开着。She put her bag down on the table. The bag was half-open.

在提包和箱子上贴标签是必要的。The attachment of labels to bags and trunks is necessary.

我在一家乡村小酒馆吃过午饭后,就找我的提包。After I had had lunch at a village pub,I looked for my bag.