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这真是难为了老父。It was so hard for my dad.

这女人一直坚强地陪伴奄奄一息的老父直到他去世。The woman sat beside her dying father's bed to the bitter end.

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我家乡中老父和兄弟,如何得相见?How could l see my parents and brothers once l may meet them later.

麦卡恩在提及她老父的一位密友“Sen.McCain also gets extra points for referring to her father's close friend Sen.

在又大又暗的厨房里,王的77岁老父蹲坐在灶旁取暖。In the huge, dark kitchen, Wang's 77-year-old father squats next to the oven for warmth.

在又大又暗的厨房里,王的77岁老父蹲坐在灶旁取暖。In the huge, dark kitchen, Wang’s 77-year-old father squats next to the oven for warmth.

木兰不忍见其年迈的父亲从军受苦,又没有年长的兄弟可以代替老父,她于是自己乔装成男子代父从军。So Mulan decided to disguised herself into a man to join the army instead of her father.

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然而,葬礼再隆重,也无法减轻这位八十六岁老父的悲哀。However, the funeral of another grand, can not reduce the 86-year-old father of the tragedy.

是的,除了我年过八十的老父老母,那边已没有什麽是我可牵挂的了。True, except for my parents who are now in their eighties, I don't have much that concerns me there.

还在做女孩的时候,便被家中的老父买做童养媳,辛辛苦苦服伺了我姥爷大半辈子。Still a girl, it will be home father to buy a child bride to do hard, Fusi lifetime of my grandfather.

欧阳继得知老父被捕,立即放下过百万的生意前往警署。Ouyang after learned that father was arrested, immediately put down millions of business to the police station.

采臣欲坦白落榜之事时,兄长宁采民突然来到老父旁,向他质问买叉烧一事。To gather the minister to be frank this thing, brother changning people suddenly came to father side, he asks for barbecued pork.

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她那诚起的老父也许还没有看出这些征兆,但无疑地,这些征兆并没有逃过这个赢得她芳心的小伙子的那双眼睛。Her honest father may not have observed these symptoms, but they were assuredly not thrown away upon the man who had won her affections.

采臣在回家路上,正踌躇如何向家人解释之际,见到老父丙寅在烧腊店外买叉烧,但神色有异。I on the way home, is hesitating how to explain to his family, see father BingYin in mee outside buy barbecued pork, but have different look.

四姐妹跟老母一起吃团圆饭,与初始不同的是,饭桌上少了老父常德,而常兰肚子里的小生命却已经蠢蠢欲动。Four sisters reunion dinner with mother, unlike the original, little father changde on the dining table, but the small life Chang Lan belly was already.

此时的兰德也许是华盛顿的话题所在,但他那现年74岁,温文尔雅的老父罗恩则从许多方面来看都是一位奇特的茶党运动教父。Rand maybe the talk of Washington at the moment, but his meek-mannered 74-year-oldfather Ron is in many ways the improbable godfather of the Tea Party movement.

据消息透露者说,奥巴马继续取笑麦凯恩的竞选团队以及麦凯恩的表现,正如助理们所说麦凯恩的表现打着“异常精准”的亚利桑那州参议员老父式说话方式的印记。According to sources, Obama will also make fun of McCain's campaign organization and perform what aides say is "an uncannily accurate" impression of the Arizona senator's grandfatherly speaking style.