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他以偷窃为生。He lives by thieving.

像艺术家一样偷窃。Steal like an artist.

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猫讨厌偷窃。The cat hated burglars.

我要报一宗偷窃案。I wish to report a theft.

我要报一宗偷窃案。i want to report a theft.

他在商店里偷窃了一袋面粉。He shoplifted a bag of flour.

我伪善得不会去偷窃。I am too goody-goody to steal.

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用身体的每侧都玩一次偷窃笨蛋。Play peek-a-boob with each side.

他正因涉嫌偷窃而接受审判。He's standing trial for thieving.

我们在他进行偷窃时将其捉住。We took him in the act of stealing.

他为贫困所迫而偷窃。He was driven by necessity to steal.

所有的偷窃物都将被没收。All stolen items will be confiscated.

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那次偷窃使他良心不安。The theft lay heavy on his conscience.

你知道,偷窃是人家的真实职业。You know, thievery is my true calling.

他向法官控告了那个偷窃的人。He incriminated the thief to the judge.

贫穷和饥饿迫使他们偷窃。Poverty and hunger drove them to steal.

他宁死也不去偷窃。He perferred to die instead of stealing.

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捡到钱不交等于偷窃。To keep money you have found is stealing.

你应该知道偷窃是错误行为。Didn't anyone tell you? Stealing is wrong.

她最恨的事就是赌博和偷窃。Her chief hates are gambling and stealing.