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我们享受着融融的天伦之乐。We basked in the love of our family.

那位老人家正享受着融融的天伦之乐。That old man is basking in the love of his family.

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他热爱人类,却从未受过拥有妻室与子女的天伦之乐。He loves human being but he never marries or has any children.

不论贫富,我们都要厮守一起,共享天伦之乐。Rich or poor, we will keep together and be happy in one another.

如果你们在中国生活,你们的父母可以享受到儿孙满堂的天伦之乐。If you live in China, your parents aren't going to see much of their grandchildren.

当我都无带番个迷路小朋友番屋企揾番家人,我点可能会享受到天伦之乐?When I don't bring the lost kid home to his family, how can I enjoy the love of my family?

假期是一个从工作中得到喘息,见识世界和共享天伦之乐的机会。Vacations are a chance to take a break from work, see the world and enjoy time with family.

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您还记得您遣送两千宫女回家吧?我过去的侍女已经有两个孩子了,尽享天伦之乐。Remember you released two thousand palace maids? My old maid has two boys now, she is so happy.

但不管有多忙,他都会抽出时间与八岁的女儿埃玛共享天伦之乐。Despite the demands on his life, he always found time to spend with his eight-year-old daughter, Emma.

一家人有时会到粉岭别墅度周末,共享天伦之乐。Sometimes, Betty and I and other members of the family spend a nice weekend together at Fanling Lodge.

而广州的特点则是一家人热闹地聚在茶馆喝茶,享受天伦之乐。Families get together in noisy tea houses to enjoy tea, and family happiness is distinctive to Guangzhou.

与妻儿父母齐天伦之乐,与朋友友把酒忘忧言诗词。His wife and children parents together the happiness of a family union, and friend wine lotus word poetry.

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愿心善者都享有天伦之乐、手足之情,与师长融洽、与朋友相投,新年快乐!Vows are best enjoyed enjoying, brotherhood, and teachers harmony, with friends congenial, happy New Year!

两天住郊区,暂时抛却尘世烦恼,心无杂念地享受天伦之乐。Rural living two days, temporary scholar earthliness trouble hearts without access to family happiness ideas.

我曾以为他是被坏人引入了歧途,不然他早就该娶妻生子,让我们享受天伦之乐了。I believed he had been led astray by bad people or we would have a daughter-in-law and the happiness we deserved.

在有可能的情况下,中国人都一定会在“除夕”那天赶回家来吃团圆饭,同父母妻儿共享天伦之乐。Whenever possible, Chinese people tried to follow the tradition of returning home and reuniting with family members.

最近一个感恩节,享受着家人欢聚的天伦之乐,别人都胖了起来,而我吃得很有节制,很科学。On Thanksgiving, while I enjoyed time with my family, and while everyone else pigged out, I ate moderately and wisely.

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有了自己的儿女,做为父母更加感受到儿女绕膝的那份天伦之乐是多么的珍贵。With their children, as parents feel more children around the knee that share the happiness of a family union is precious.

晚上,村民们饮毕牲口,灌满木桶,便心满意足地坐下来,尽享天伦之乐。In the evening, when they had watered their cattle and had filled their casks, they were content to sit down to enjoy life.

然而,他一心想的是怎样扩展自己的事业,以便在他65岁时退下来养老,享受天伦之乐。However all he could think about was how to grow his business so that he could retire at 65 and finally taste the good life.