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从今往后,我成了无业游民。From now on, I became a hobo.

从今走向繁荣富强。From now on towards prosperity.

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从今往后,比翼齐飞。Henceforward, fly wing to wing.

从今天启初,从天天做止。Beginning today . And every day!

是的,卡休斯,从今而后。Yes, Cassius, and from henceforth.

从今往后,我要爱所有的人。Henceforth will I love all mankind.

那是从今往后极长的一段时间。That's a seriously long time from now.

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长夜将至,我从今开始守望,至死方休。Night gathers, and now my watch begins.

凝眸处,从今又添,一段新愁!The , from add again now, a new sorrow!

炫耀将至,我从今开始诅咒,至死方休。Splurge gathers, and now my curse begins.

从今起我要抛弃一切琐碎的装饰。From now I leave off all petty decorations.

从今开始你将成为我最宝贝的爱人。From now on you will be my precious darling.

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从今往后,或许可以听到一首新歌。From this day forward, may a new song be heard.

从今以还,我将羁系这咒骂之力。Forever more, I will be the jailor of the Damned.

从今往后,我要培养笑的习惯。Henceforth I will cultivate the habit of laughter.

那么从今往后,我不会参加这个会议了。So from now on, I’m not going to join this meeting.

福满是我的新宠,从今开始我会喜欢福满。Foreman is my new love and Foreman I shall love now.

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从今心中,就找到了美,找到了痴爱所依。From now on, I find beauty in my heart, and my love.

从今迈步结善缘,善事,善意,善真。Now move the karma, good, kindness, goodness and truth.

从今往后我缝人便赞管他对我如何看。And henceforth I will go celebrate any thing I see or am.