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要真珠还是养珠的。Natural pearls or cultured pearls.

有的。要真珠的和还是养珠的?两种都有。Yes. Natural pearls or cultured pearls?We have both kinds.

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它有伟大真珠是的花瓣其颜色有红,洋红,以及紫色。It has large pearly petals in shades of red, pink, and purple.

还有我认为真珠奶茶也可以代表台湾,还有臭豆腐。Perl milk tea here and stinky tofu are the famous and feature our country.

您要看真珠还是养珠?我们两种都有。Would you like to see natural pearls or cultured pearls?We have both kinds.

所以真珠质的厚度就像脸上化妆品,不久就会磨薄了。As a resul t, nacre thickness is sometimes just a cosmetic layer t hat can wear thin over time.

真珠的价值较高,不过实际上,养珠也跟真珠一样光彩美丽。Natural pearls are of higher value, but the cultured pearls have equal luster and are just as beautiful.

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天然珍珠和人工养殖珍珠会有些许粗躁的感觉,如同细砂纸般,那是真珠质的天然触感。Cultured and natural pearls will feel slightly rough , like fine sandpaper , because of the texture of natural nacre.

珍蚌不但更小,生命力更弱,受到污染的水会改变真珠质和珍珠的颜色。Not only then are they smaller, less robust creatur es, but the pollution in the water changes the color of the nacre and change the color of the pearl.

研究了真珠钙驱铅效果,给亚急性中毒的大鼠服用后,可增加铅从尿中排量,降低骨中蓄积量,对防治铅中毒有一定作用。The effects of Zhenzhugai on Pb expelling were studied. The results showed that it can increase the excretion of Pb in urine and decrease Pb concertration in bones. It can also prevent plumbism.