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那你怎么到石工区来了?Then why are you in the masonry section?

塔现在不能随着升级石工术来增加胡甲了。All human towers are now unaffected by masonry.

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新增只有头和一个附加到身体的石工。Added Only the head and one attached to an Body of Pein.

此外,在战后年代之后,有技术的石工寥寥无几。Besides, there are very few skilled stone workers left after the war years.

它是一座建造在岩石上,高约48英尺,由毛石砌成的石工建筑。It was constructed on rock, using rubble masonry and stood about 48ft. high.

课程包括木工手艺,石工工程,电线等。Instruction may include carpentry, masonry, electrical wiring, and other topics.

包括旧石工建筑物中的四楝建筑物是破坏。The 22 buildings including the four of the old masonry buildings were destroyed.

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石工射线,作为射线在其它材料里,是主要依于弯曲和剪。Masonry beams, as beams in other materials, are mainly subject to bending and shear.

在讨论行动在主要的石工元素上面列出了之前首先被讨论。Before discussing the actions listed above the main masonry elements are first discussed.

基本上简单的石工正在墙壁材料,强壮的在压缩中和相对地弱的在紧张方面。Basically plain masonry is walling material, strong in compression and relatively weak in tension.

经过众多石工艰苦劳作,此碑大体凿就。The huge stone blocks were chiseled off the hill body by numerous stoneworkers laboring arduously.

完成了皇宫上的飞檐,入晚回家的石工,大约是回到一个比尖屋还不如的草棚里。The mason who finishes the cornice of the palace returns at night perchance to a hut not so good as a wigwam.

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继续沿着蜿蜒的城中小径前行,便会经过另外一百七十余座建筑,展示更多精致的石工。Continue on the winding city paths that take you past its 170 other buildings with more examples of fine stonework.

外部的材质色彩是本色的,包括磨面的石工单位、混凝土、锌和合成铝。The material palette of the exterior is straightforward, comprising ground-face masonry units, concrete, zinc and composite aluminum.

西弗吉尼亚韦斯顿的跨阿勒格尼精神病院是北美最大的手砌石工建筑之一。The imposing Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in Weston, W. Va. , is one of the largest hand-cut stone masonry buildings in North America.

加拿大石材研究机构以整合加强石工建造业继续健康发展的资源和机会为目标。The purpose of the institute is to identify all opportunities, which will enhance the continued and healthy growth of the masonry construction industry.

西弗吉尼亚韦斯顿的跨阿勒格尼精神病院是北美最大的手砌石工建筑之一。The imposing Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in Weston, W. Va. , is one of the largest hand-cut stone masonry buildings in North America. Want some chills?

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这包括来自全国各地以及伊朗、中亚的石匠、石工、雕刻工、镶嵌者、书法家、画家及其他的人才。The masons, stonecutters, carvers, inlayers, calligraphers, painters and others were brought from the entire empire as well as from Iran and Central Asia.

此外,又审核制造、储存、运输和使用爆炸品的申请,并派员巡视石矿场、爆石工地和爆炸品储存库。It processes applications for the manufacture, storage, conveyance and use of explosives and inspects stone quarries, blasting sites and explosives stores.

建筑行业学习包括建筑,检查和保养建筑物在内的各种技能。课程包括木工手艺,石工工程,电线等。Students of general construction learn a variety of skills for building, inspecting, and maintaining structures. Instruction may include carpentry, masonry, electrical wiring, and other topics.