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一九二三年加入中国社会主义青年团。In 1923 joined the Chinese Socialist Youth League.

中国青年团的夏季活动也是十分受欢迎的。The CYC's summer activities are also quite popular.

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在青年团的教育下,她进步很快。Educated by the youth League , she has made rapid progress.

很多教会有青年团契和青年活动。At many churches there are youth groups and youth activities.

也就是在这一年,第十二希特勒青年团装甲师成立。That year the 12. SS-Panzer-Division Hitlerjugend was formed.

古晋福州公会青年团勇夺冠军。Champion Trophy won by Foochow Association Kuching Youth Section.

每一个中国青年团的项目中都有对于头脑和身体的练习。Each of the CYC's programs has exercises for the mind and the body.

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到十七岁,他便当上了反性青年团的区队长。At seventeen he had been a district organizer of the Junior Anti-Sex League.

1957年9月他成了民主青年团在他们中学分支机构的副主席。In September 1957 he became vice-chairman of his middle school's DYL branch.

例如,在寒假期间中国青年团的活动非常受欢迎。The CYC 's activities during winter vacation, for example, are very popular.

因此越来越多的青年人要加入沙行动党青年团。Therefore more and more young people wanted to join Sabah DAP Kota Kinabalu Youth.

今年的「国际佛光青年干部会议」,由优秀的欧洲地区佛光青年团的夥伴们承办。This year's conference will be co-organized by the BLIA-YAD European Subdivisions.

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当希特勒青年团控制犹太儿童海恩的村庄时,他才11岁。When Hitler's teenage gangs took over his village the little Jewish boy, Heinz, was just 11 years old.

在中国青年团的夏季项目中你将学习这些问题的答案以及其他有趣的问题。You will learn the answers to these and many other interesting questions in the CYC 's summer programs.

告诉他们你生命垂危,今天是你最后一次与教堂青年团去海洋世界。Tell them you're dying, and today you're going to SeaWorld with your church youth group for the last time.

这是香港进口的广东话歌。教会青年团契里学的。This is sung in Cantonese, imported from Hong Kong. I learned it from my younger days in church fellowship.

教会的青年团契查经时需要一些圣经,瑞奇二话不说,马上搜集了70多本圣经。When the youth group in Rich's church needed Bibles for study, he went on a search for more than 70 copies.

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满墙挂的是些青年团跟侦察队的红旗,还有张巨大的老大哥画像。On the walls were scarlet banners of the Youth League and the Spies, and a full-sized poster of Big Brother.

比如,保守党的青年团就撤掉了印着“宁死不屈”的广告传单。The Youth League of the Conservative Party, for example, withdrew its “Better Dead Than Red” election flier.

让我们一起事先阅读相关经句及祷告准备我们寻求就近主的心,参予今年青年团契灵修会。Let us preview related topics and Bible verses and pray to be closer to Lord, before joining C&C Retreat this year.