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此路不通,行人绕行。No Through Route For Pedestrians Detour.

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我刚可是绕行这个国家一大圈了。I had just circumnavigated the entire country.

同样在5500新的是一个真正的硬线绕行。Also new on the 5500 is a true hard-wire bypass.

遇到障碍物,请绕行,不要攀爬或穿越障碍物。g. Go around obstacles, not over or through them.

涐旳用心所有旳亽都能看到只有迩一个绕行了。My heart all the people you can see only a detour.

绕行舍利塔必须顺时针方向被做。Circumambulating the Stupa has to be done clockwise.

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蒜头糖厂绕行厂区的观光列车。The tourist train ran around the factory, Suan-Tou Station.

那个带他到这来的人看见了,从车旁绕行过来帮忙。The man with him sees this and moves around the car to help him.

在沼泽,湖泊和无法绕行的河流中行进,考虑以下几点k. Consider the following for swamps, lakes, and unfordable rivers

圣地绕行是一种处于敬拜和爱慕的行为。Circumambulation of the holy places is an act of devotion and love.

一种因引力而沿轨道绕行星旋转的天体。A heavenly body kept in orbit around a planet by gravitational force.

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他们晚上转回,叫号如狗,围城绕行。They return at evening, snarling like dogs, and prowl about the city.

地球的自转和月亮的绕行都是逆时针方向。Earth's rotation and the Moon's orbit are both counter-clockwise here.

公路干线遭水淹没,我们只得择乡间小径绕行。The main road was flooded so we had to go round by narrow country lanes.

又一个勤杂工绕行于监狱精神病区的电视间,用纸杯分发药片。Another orderly walks around the psych ward TV room, handing out pill cups.

Kasting说其中一颗绕行周期为13天,对于液态水太热了。One of those, which travels on a 13-day orbit, seems too hot for liquid water.

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穿过田地路途最近绕行公路要远得多。It is quickest to walk across the field -- going round by road takes much longer.

公司老闆曾说过,修一条绕行大本德山脉的铁路不甚划算。The company's owners said the mountain was too big to build a railroad around it.

除了在纪念碑前敬献花圈,与会者还默哀了一分钟,伴随着国际歌绕行纪念碑一圈。In Jiangxi, participants observed a minute of silence for the victims before the relay.