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避雷器,放电管,磁簧开关,磁簧继电器。Surge Arrestor, Reed Switch, Reed Relay.

目前,使用最多的是氧化锌避雷器。At present, the most commonly used are zinc oxide arrester.

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在这种情况,避雷器额定值可明显低些。In such a case the arrester rating could be substantially lower.

荷电率是设计氧化锌避雷器的一项关键指标。Chargeability is a crucial parameter for the design of ZnO arrester.

对避雷器工作原理和避雷方法作了分析介绍。Finally an introduction is given to the function of the lightning arresters.

您也可以考虑星火避雷器,为前线的消防碗,太。You might also consider a spark arrestor for the front of the fire bowl , too.

避雷器。熔断器,大电流隔离开关及大电流穿墙套管。Arrester. Fuse, isolating switch and high-current high-current wall bushing wear.

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因此测试区域应包括变压器中性点和避雷器接地引线以及易腐蚀区域。So the measured region should include the ground leads of transformer and arrester.

发电站操作过电压时高电压的避雷器可对其进行保护。A high-voltage surge arrester protects the electric station from switching overvoltage.

现代超高压避雷器必须能在这些高能量的操作过电压下放电。Modern EHV arresters must be capable of discharging these high-energy switching surges.

分析了变压器磁路饱和所产生的谐波对避雷器试验数据影响并提出了改善措施。The influence of harmonic on the arrester test is analyzed and the new test method is given.

本软件就是检测电源避雷器各种信息系统的软件部分。The software is to check the various power source arrester information system software part.

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分析了瓷套式避雷器存在的问题,提出了解决的措施。The problem of porcelain housed arrester is analyzed and the measures of resolution are given.

绝缘子、避雷器产品中的纤维棒准确定芯、退芯、脱模等多种功能。Accurate fiber seting core, back core, mold release and other function for insulator, arrester parts.

在角落系列6雷电避雷器之间每极与地球和各种仪表。A series of 6 lightning surge arrestors at corners between each pole and the earth and the various gauges.

对这些长期监测得到的历史数据进行分析可作为金属氧化物避雷器劣化状况的判据。Saved as historical data, these parameters of long period are criterions that the MOAs' states are judged.

所以,避雷器能否可靠运行,是关系到电力系统安全运行的一个重要因素。The result shows that high reliability of surge arrester diagnose can be obtained using infrared technology.

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简要分析了氧化锌避雷器底座支持小瓷瓶绝缘电阻下降的产生原因,并介绍了一种简便的处理方法。The reason that the insulation resistance becomes low for the ZnO arresters base support is briefly analyzed.

从顶层的检查期间,人们发现,烟道终止火花避雷器失踪。During the inspection from the roof level, it was discovered that the flue termination spark arrestor was missing.

提出了一种测量金属氧化物避雷器阻性泄漏电流无线检测的新方法,该方法包括发送和接收两个装置。This paper suggests a new method to measure the resistance leakage current wirelessly for metal-oxide surge arrester.