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飓风季节里,机组成员常常要倒班连续工作。Hurricane season puts the crew on multiple shifts.

适应倒班工作,能够承受一定的工作压力。Adapt to shift work and can work under big pressure.

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戴邵帅和同事们每天24小时倒班工作。Dai and his colleagues work in shifts round the clock.

能吃苦耐劳,稳定性强,有良好的团队合作精神,能适应倒班,裸眼视力1.0以上,非色盲。Good team spirited, be able to night shifts, eyesight over 1.0, not a colorblind.

世界卫生组织把倒班的工作列为致癌的行为。The World Health Organization has classified shift work as a probable carcinogen.

他们工作时间长,需要适应季节性或各种各样的倒班,还有经常性的夜班。They have to work odd hours, seasonal or varied schedules, and frequent night shifts.

头脑灵活,团队合作,身体健康,适应倒班,裸眼视力1.0以上,无色盲。Team spirited , healthy, be able to night shifts, eyesight over 1.0, not a colorblind.

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此药已经获准用于治疗因倒班产生的嗜睡和瞌睡症状。The medicine is already approved to fight narcolepsy and sleepiness related to shift work.

这还不算,对许多母亲来说,有时还得为此长途跋涉去上班,倒班也是常有的事。This is on top of sometimes long journeys to work, and of the demands of shift work for many.

这些女人们都在高压下工作,很多做倒班工作,活跃工作等。These are all women in a high stress profession, many are working shift work, active jobs, etc.

而丝芙兰公司的工会表示,员工会因此而被迫倒班工作。But Sephora's unions contested, saying employees were being pressured to work undesirable shifts.

像倒班工作和高压工作与增加抑郁的风险有关已经众所周知。Things like shift work and high stress jobs are KNOWN to be associated with increased risk of depression.

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霍柏预测,到2009年四月,研究中心将一些倒班的工作人员转变为全天工作员工。Hibbard predicts that the research center will transition some split-shift staff to full-time by April 2009.

有的采用倒班制,一些人站在队里看位子,换下别人去小憩或吃些东西。Some worked in shifts, with certain members leaving to take naps or eat meals, while others saved their places in line.

但是他的很多朋友在城市酒吧工作,“在考试期间,他们就要艰难应付,因为他们仍然被要求完成不变的倒班。”But many of his friends working in city bars, "struggled around exam time as they were still expected to work the same shifts".

如果根据上述信息证明企业的倒班并非过程重复,则不能删减人天。According to the above information , if the shift of the business is not a process of repetition, which can proved, person-days can not be cut.

对员工分配角色并要求在收银员倒班时有一名收银员和一名经理同时确认收银机中的总额。We assign roles to employees and require that both one cashier and one manager certify the amount in a register at the end of the cashier's shift.

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“我们研究的兴趣之一是倒班工人,他们更容易体重过重,”主要作者迪安娜阿伯尔,是图雷克实验室的医学生。"One of our research interests is shift workers, who tend to be overweight, " said lead author Deanna M. Arble, a doctoral student in Turek's lab.

工厂工人,警察,消防员,紧急救援人员,护士和医生,厨师,酒店员工和编导和其它需要倒班的岗位的人员。Factory workers, police, firefighters, emergency workers, nurses and doctors, cooks, hotel employees, people in the media and others on night or changing shifts.

我们哪怕是最普通的倒班员工都有极高的技术水平,怎么舍得裁掉他们,否则,失去了技术知识,想要东山再起的时候就麻烦了,”他说。Even the normal shift workers have such a high skill level, it is not so easy to lay them off. You lose a lot of knowledge, which would give you big problems starting up again.