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太难以置信了!Maybe too incredible.

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实在太美味了,简直难以置信。It tastes unbelievable.

听起来难以置信?Sounds hard to believe?

他是如此难以置信的快!He's so unbelievably fast!

我真他妈的难以置信。I can’t fucking believe it.

“难以置信,”他低声说。"Unbelievable, " he murmurs.

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结果是难以置信的成功。It was incredibly successful.

首先,难以置信其中的性别歧视。First, it's incredibly sexist.

潜力将是难以置信的。The potentials are unbelievable.

它很颓废,并且令人难以置信。It's decadent. And it's fabulous.

那儿的物价高得令人难以置信。Prices there are incredibly high.

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尽管难以置信,但却是千真万确的。I know, hard to believe, but true.

但是价格低的难以置信。But the prices are wonderfully low.

他难以置信的望着他的手。He looked at his hand in disbelief.

这事实被夸大得令人难以置信。The fact is incredibly exaggerated.

这个令人难以置信的狗玩跑酷!This incredible dog can do Parkour!

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这很难以置信,但是我喜欢它。It is unbelievable, but I like that.

难以置信的是,克罗夫特又问了我一遍。Kroft, unbelievably, asked me again.

这是一段难以置信的经历。I mean what an incredible experience.