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我彻底震惊了。I was in shock.

我们很震惊。We were both shocked.

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尴尬的或震惊的。Embarassed or shocked.

我有点震惊。I was a trifle shocked.

他的无知让我震惊。His ignorance appals me.

它们并不会让我感到震惊。I’m not shocked by them.

作为一个“孩子”的我,大为震惊。Boy. was I in for a shock.

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我想我开始震惊。I think I started shaking.

这会很令人震惊。That comes as a big shock.

这个总是会令我震惊。This one always shocks me.

“肚子疼”和“震惊”。Collywobbles and Gobsmacked.

伊耿王子听起来很震惊。Prince Aegon sounded shocked.

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她由于震惊而目瞪口呆。She was immobilized by shock.

西尔维亚震惊地看着我。Sylvia looked at me, shocked.

这是震惊中外的新闻。This is a world-shaking news.

你的求婚,举世震惊。Your wooing shocks the world.

其结果令人震惊。And the results were shocking.

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爱德的话让他很震惊。He was startled by Ed's words.

她因震惊脸色都白了。NO9. She went pale with shock.

不过我们不应该为此感到震惊。Not that we should be shocked.