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尽管我做了这一切,可她仍然不领情。After all I had done, she was still ungrateful.

轮到约翰尼要人领情地耐心了。It was Johnny's turn to be patronizingly patient.

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我并非不领情,但是我真的想要一个孩子。I'm not ungrateful. But I would like to have a baby.

对于不领情的人来说浪费感情是一种错误。It is a mistake to lavish kindness ungrateful people.

恐怕我不能同意,因为她是不会领情的。I'm afraid I stand off because she will not be grateful.

不过今天公布的一份调查则显示,女士们似乎都不大领情。But a survey released today shows women have other ideas.

如果应邀到某人家中赴宴,别吃了还不领情。If invited to someone's house for dinner, don't be one of he ungrateful fed.

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然而,人们对这些警告可能并不领情,因为他们担心自己的未来.However, such caution will not go down well with people worried about their future.

余得水并不领情,心理盘算着拔香头。More than the water did not appreciate, contemplating the psychological pull head incense.

也许华盛顿和以色列会选择不去对付哈马斯,但是相反,哈马斯不会欣然领情。Washington and Israel might choose not to deal with Hamas, but Hamas is dealing with them.

太可怕了,他竟然对朋友们的帮助如此不领情。It's monstrous that he should be so ungrateful for all the help his friends have given him.

请不要认为我不领情,我们有工作和很好的生活环境,而且我们很健康。Please don't think me ungrateful. We have jobs and a nice place to live, and we're healthy.

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虽然这些机构拯救了这个时代,但公众似乎依旧不领情甚至还表达了愤怒。Still, the public seems ungrateful, expressing anger at these institutions that saved the day.

他们总是试着做一些事想讨她的欢心,但她却毫不领情。They always tried to do things to please her, but she did not seem to care one way or another.

“既然如此,那我得谢谢你了,”卡斯特桥市场的女王不领情地说。I suppose I must thank you for that, 'replied the Queen of Casterbridge market rather ungratefully.

我不想表现得很贪心或者不领情,但是我该怎样才能让他明白这对我很重要呢?I don't want to appear greedy or ungrateful but how do I get him to see how important this is to me?

我不想表现得很贪心或者不领情,但是我该怎样才能让他明白这对我很重要呢?I don’t want to appear greedy or ungrateful but how do I get him to see how important this is to me?

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任何他们发来询问状况要你领情的Email统统不要看,并标为“垃圾邮件”。Any patronizing emails they send inquiring to your well-being will be left unread and marked as SPAM.

你预料我会感激你的所谓帮助,告诉你,我不领情.You expected me to be grateful for you so-called help. Listen, I don’t appreciate your kindness at all.

“你的那些鱼一直霸占着游泳池,害得我整个夏天都不能游泳。”夫人一点都不领情。"You have those fish occupying the pool, why I could not swim all summer. " lady that does not appreciate.