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请加一夸脱机油。A quart of oil,please.

两夸脱机油?为什么这么多?Two quarts? Why so much?

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你的机油少一夸脱。You're one quart low on oil.

加机油的通气孔盖。Cap covering the oil filler hole.

是发动机油底壳或湿干油底壳?Is the engine dry sump or wet sump?

机油加到机油尺最高位。Add oil level to dipstick max level.

机油是发动机的生命之源。Oil is the life-blood of the engine.

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用适量的机油添入引擎。Fill engine with proper amount of oil.

黏稠的东西和机油一起流出来。Goop and gunk drains out with motor oil.

他让这个工人给车轴涂些机油。He asked the worker to grease the axile.

摩托车和汽车机油对比怎么样?What about motorcycle V. S. car oils ???

常用的轮船机油油22号、30号。Commonly used marine engine glossy 22, 30.

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机油没问题,散热器里快没水了。There is hardly any water in the radiator.

工人把机器零件浸入机油中。The worker bathed machine parts in the oil.

如何辨别壳牌机油的真假?。How to discern the true and false shell oil?

排气管冒蓝烟说明机油正在燃烧。Blue smoke indicates that oil is being burnt.

机油再流下来回到油盘。The oil drains off and runs down into the pan.

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趁他做汽车保养之前把机油换好。Get the car serviced before he changes the oil.

我们一般用原厂的标准机油。We use the standard oil from the manufacturers.

投资组合连换机油都不用。There's not even a need to change the oil, ' Mr.