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他只不过是一个小市民罢了。He is no more than a citizen.

你好,我是一个典型的苏州小市民家庭。Hello, I am a typical family man Suzhou.

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这一年来我是一个自食其力的小市民。I'm a ordinary citizen earned by myself all this year.

我也没想到普通的小市民,杀戮起来可以如此性感。I never thought homely, townsfolk killing Brits could be so hot.

它宣布德意志民族是模范的民族,德国小市民是模范的人。It proclaimed the German nation to be the model nation, and the German petty Philis.

在一幢旧式的庭院里,租住著七十二家房客,不消说,他们都是小市民。In an old courtyard, with 72 rental tenants, Needless to say, they are ordinary citizens.

这一观点建立在十九世纪小市民的个人责任感之上。That view was based on a small town ethos of personal responsibility of the 19th century.

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而一直以“小市民”自居的池莉,则在对武汉的书写中表现出一定的认同。But Chi Li who considers herself to be"petty bourgeois"displays certain sympathy in Wuhan writing.

更以关怀之心,聆听小市民的心声,收集温情故事,激发社会大众助人的善念。Our team works to collect heartwarming stories in our community and inspire people to help one another.

小市民也随着它的脚步迈入无现金缴费的时代,免费财路付款、支票服务等。With the GIRO and current account services it provides for free, the broad masses are entering a cash-less era.

小市民疯狂抢购盐,恐怕日后的海盐受到核辐射。Silly city people panic buying salt, afraid that all sea salt from today on will have been exposed to radiation.

在好多人眼里,城市经营是政府的大事情,普通小市民只是一个“旁观者”。To most of us, city management is a big issue to the government while ordinary citizens are just the 'bystanders'.

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按个性精神风貌可划分为小市民妇媪、高义母、孝顺女等。By the spirit of personality can be divided into ordinary woman old woman, mother of high justice, such as filial women.

许多小市民梦想拥有自己的房屋,但其中一些觉得一屋难求,即使尝试了很多次都买不到心仪的组屋。Many people dream of owning a flat but some have complained that it is hard getting an apartment of their choice despite numerous attempts at applying.

弄堂是张爱玲张看的世界,它体现了小市民的生活状态,代表了人性的美好。The alley is the world which Eileen Chang looks around , it has manifested petty bourgeois's life condition, has represented the human nature happiness.

主要的总统候选人都在为无法避免小市民因为贷款买房导致的恶果批评政府。The main contenders for the presidency have all excoriated the administration for failing to protect the little guy from the consequences of his borrowing.

然而,和时代最无耻的混蛋,最庸俗的小市民一样,每个在这儿活着的人,总些坚持是不被磨灭的。However, like the most shameless bastard and the times, the most vulgar, like ordinary people, each person living here, always some insist that itis not forgotten.

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它把宗教虔诚、骑士热忱、小市民伤感这些情感的神圣发作,淹没在利已主义打算的冰水之中。It has drowned the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervour, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation.

透过那一时代表面上的插科打诨和强劲的滑稽动作,人们可以看到身穿灯笼裤、头戴圆礼帽、踩着鸭子步的小市民查理的性格。The character of Charlie the little man, the baggy-trousered bowler-hatted tramp, can be seen evolving behind the surface gagging, the energetic slapstick of the day.

首先,作为一个中国的小市民,我要用我的热情、我的笑容迎接每一个来自世界各地的外国朋友,展示出我们北京人友好好客的精神风貌。First of all, as a citizen of China, I will use my smile to greet every foreign friends from all over the world, and to show off our Chinese's friendly and hospitable spirit.