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他唱高尚也唱俚俗的歌。That can sing both high and low.

一些人还用铭牌上的俚俗冲锋口号讥讽警察。Some used the slang slogan on the nameplate to mock the police.

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但不可能就只是简简单单地不新词新义和俚俗用法就可以的。But it isn’t an option to simply not include neologisms and slang.

这意思是说,不要废了俚俗的教训。His meaning was that we should not overlook the advice of that proverb.

在表现风格上,阎连科小说主要表现出俚俗和藻丽的风格。As for the writing style, Yan's novels display both vulgar and flowery style simultaneously.

另外,周紫芝词的语言成就体现在其曲雅俚俗的语言运用上。Otherwise Zhou's achievement of language embodied in the application of elegant and vulgar idiom.

不少人误认为文字俚俗便是文风平易,信笔写去即为不加雕饰。Many people mistake a familiar for a vulgar style, and suppose that to write without affectation is to write at random.

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词又有俚俗的一面,是向民间学习的结果,也是受柳永影响的结果。Compared to the poets, the ci-poets were more vulgar, for Qin Guan learned form the folk literature and effected by Liu Yong.

抢救、保护和发展答嘴鼓艺术,可以使历史悠久的闽南方言词语、俚俗语及具有特色的闽南文化得以保存与弘扬。A variety of organizations are working to protect and develop this art form as a way to preserve Fujian's dialects and unique local culture.

柳永是中国词史上第一位专业词人,第一位大量创作慢词长调的词人,第一位俚俗词派的代表词人。Liu Yong is the first professional poet for Ci poetry, the first poet written Man Ci Chang Diao, and the pioneer of the school of the vulgar Ci poetry.

俚俗与典雅是反映饮食审美主体对饮食美呈现氛围基本类别的感受的范畴,带有一般性、基础性,二者之间并没有不可逾越的鸿沟。Popular and elegance are general, basic scope that reflect dietetic aesthetic subject's Basic feelings on diet atmosphere and not an insuperable gap between them.

在对有7000万人使用的俚俗语言——粤语进行这种公开打压的同时,还有人提议在黄金时段不再播放粤语节目。That affront to Cantonese, an earthy language spoken by up to 70m people, was accompanied by a proposal to take Cantonese programming off the air during prime time.

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昔日的经典值得我们铭记,但他们现在粗制滥造的翻拍充斥着俚俗的语言、性和愚蠢的对白,用这样的蹩脚作品来吸引轻浮的少年郎。Where studios once made memorable movies, they now produce schlocky teen flicks filled with bad language, sex and stupidity, ” said Dan Gainor, VP of Business & Culture at the Media Research Center.

昔日的经典值得我们铭记,但他们现在粗制滥造的翻拍充斥着俚俗的语言、性和愚蠢的对白,用这样的蹩脚作品来吸引轻浮的少年郎。Where studios once made memorable movies, they now produce schlocky teen flicks filled with bad language, sex and stupidity, " said Dan Gainor, VP of Business & Culture at the Media Research Center."