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那就意味着织女正在哭泣。It means that Zhinu is weeping.

去偷织女的白如雪的衣裙。Weaver steal the dress of white as snow.

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牵牛星与织女和天津四相比,光亮度还是略为逊色。Altair is not as bright as Vega and Deneb.

傅柔阴差阳错下进入皇宫,成为司织女官。Soft yee fu enter the palace, become a female officer.

织女还给牛郎生了一儿一女。The woman of return to the gigolo borns a son a woman.

牛郎与织女一年才能在鹊桥上相会一次。Only once a year, the couple could meet on the Milky Way.

天有牛郞织女,地上金童玉女,唯吾与尔。Sasae Weaver cattle days, on the ground, but I and Seoul.

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牛郎看到哭泣的织女就把她带回家。The cowherd saw this and offered to take her to his house.

相传,这天晚上织女会在银河洗发去会牛郎。It was that night, in the Milky Way to wash hair will cowboy.

我梦想我跟织女,男耕女织多好。I dream I told Weaver, man cultivated a good many women weaving.

牛郎不厌天河阔,织女但求凡世欢。Tianhe not object to Cowboy wide, but Weaver for Huan Firestone.

当他看到了变胖的织女,马上往反方向跑了回去。When he see the FAT Weaver Maiden, he immediately ran reversely.

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能堪重负吗。其时躲在芦苇西的牛郎蓦地跑进去拿走了织女的衣裳。Then suddenly the cowherd hidden in the reeds ran away the clothes.

在上海的日子,我还向上海的姐妹学会了织女毛衣。Days in Shanghai, I also to the Shanghai sisters learned weaver sweater.

但是,自从牛郎织女结婚了以后,织女就不再织布了。After they were married, the fairy thougjt she did not need to weave again.

那织女与天鹅座第一亮星之间的所相隔的距离更是让人难以想象。And an outstretched hard more or less fills the gap between Vega and Deneb.

织女见自己的仙衣被一个小伙子抢走,又羞又急,却又无可奈何。Weaver see his immortal by a guy robbed, shame and anxious, but feel helpless.

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七夕诗属于节令诗,以牵牛织女传说和七夕节日为主要描写对象。Its main description object is the legend of Qianniu and Zhinv and Qixi festival.

织女定睛一看,才知道牛郎便是自己日思夜想的牵牛,便含羞答应了他。Weaver began to see, know the cowherd is his want of Petunia, then to promise him.

该传说是在唐以前牵牛织女神话的基型上衍化而成。The legend derives from the myth about Cowherd and Weaver Girl before Dang Dynasty.