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他被选派扮演奥赛罗的角色。He was cast in the role of Othello.

导演选派我扮演科学家。The director cast me as a scientist.

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他选派一小队人执行特殊任务。He detailed a unit on a special service.

他们选派他作他们的代表。They drafted him to serve as their delegate.

我被选派参加这次会议,感到十分荣幸。I feel it a great hnour to take part in this meeting.

他们选派杨先生为实验室主任。They designate Mr. Yang as director of the laboratory.

我们选派他做代表参加会议。We selected him as the representative to the conference.

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一名美国大使馆选派的律师在为他辩护。A lawyer selected by the U.S. Embassy is representing him.

教师们选派自己最优秀的分子参加大会。The teachers selected their best to attend the conference.

我被选派参加这次会议,感到十分荣幸。It's my great honor to be designated to attent this meeting.

他们决定不给这部小型连续剧选派名演员。They decided not to cast the mini-series with big-name actors.

选派到议会的代表很多原来就是律师。The greater number of the deputies sent to Congress were lawyers.

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演员的选派应尽快进行,因为故事中的角色随时可能发生变化。Casting should start as soon as possible because roles could change.

我被选派参加这次会议,感到十分荣幸。I regard it as a great honor to be designated to attend this meeting.

我被选派参加这次会议,感到十分荣幸。I regard it as an honour to be nominated to participate this meeting.

请你们这一组选派一位代表来做总结论。Please send a speaker from your group to make a summary of your discussion.

我选派美国伯纳德?H?雷海军少将率领一参谋组前往。I chose Rear Admiral Bernard H. Bieri of the United States to head a staff group.

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我们委托孩子就读学校选派的领队老师作为孩子在境外期间的监护人。We authorize chaperon teachers from our child's school as guardian during this travel.

在报名截止日前,由国际体联技巧技术委员会选派2名项目裁判长。CJP are appointed to a FIG competition by the FIC TC Acro before the provisional entry closure date.

2004年至2009年,中国国家汉办已向印尼选派了大约380名汉语志愿者老师,大部分可以在印尼工作3年。The ministry sent about 380 teachers to Indonesia between 2004 and 2009, most on three-year contracts.