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戊戌变法的性质是立宪吗?。Is the Nature of the 1898 ReformConstitutionFormation?

戊戌变法是一次资产阶级性质的革命运动。The Reform Movement of 1898 is a revolutionary movement of bourgeois nature.

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她残酷地镇压戊戌变法运动就是这一基本思想的反映。It is actually reflection of this view that she cruelly kept down the Movement of 1898.

对于戊戌变法,像北京大学——今年恰好也是110周年。The Hundred Days reform movement, like Peking University, also marks its 110th anniversary this year.

但洋务运动和戊戌变法都失败了,随后清政府自身所进行的近代化变革道路也走向终结。However the two movements together with the reformation of the Qing Government were doomed to end in failure.

梁启超是中国近代史上著名的政治家,戊戌变法的主要领导者。Liang Qichao was a famous politician in China' modern history and a chief leader in the Reform Movement of 1898.

但随着戊戌变法的失败,其历史教育活动与思想暂时受挫。But, with the failure of the Reform Movement of 1898, his activities of history education suffered a temporary setback.

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戊戌变法后,游历欧美的经历,使康有为思想发生了变化。After the Reform Movement of 1898, the experience of travelling in Europe and America changed the thought of Kang Youwei.

戊戌变法是中国社会在鸦片战争结束近六十年之后第一次深刻的、涉及到社会各个方面的大变革。The Reform Movement of 1898 is the first profound social transformation in China nearly six decades after the 1840 Opium War.

太平天国运动,戊戌变法,义和团运动,不甘屈服的中国人民一次次抗争,但又一次次失败。The unyielding Chinese people had struggled to fight in Taiping Rebellion, Hundred Days' Reform, Boxer Uprising, but in vain.

1898年9月,戊戌变法失败后,康有为和梁启超等人被迫出走海外,以维新派流亡者的政治角色继续活动。The reform of 1898 failed and some leaders including Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao was forced to leave China and became exiles.

岳麓书院的外语教育开始于戊戌变法时期,是湖南新政事业的一部分。Foreign language education in Yuelu Academy began with the Wuxu Reform in Qing Dynasty, which was part of the Hunan New Policy.

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在宏观研究领域,关于戊戌变法性质及其时代精神的评价,也有一些成果值得关注。In the macro research area, there are also some outstanding research about the evaluation of the nature and spirit of the movement.

第三次乃戊戌变法和义和团运动期间所兴起,充分发挥了团练的“御外”与“靖内”功能。The third time was for Wuxu Putsch and the Boxre and it fully played two functions— "resisting the outside" and "pacifying the inner side".

中国经戊戌变法、辛亥革命到五四运动,都是学西方,向西方追求真理的过程。The Hundred Days Reform in China, 1911 Revolution to the Fourth Movement, are learning from the West to the West, the process of seeking the truth.

戊戌变法作为中国现代化的一次尝试,虽然未取得预期的成效,但它革旧俗、变科举、废八股、兴办新式学堂,发动了近代中国的第一个思想启蒙运动。As an attempt to modernizing China, the Hundred Days Reform in 1898 failed, but its reforming drove the first enlightenment movement in modem China.

他对佛学的研究主要集中在从戊戌变法到辛亥革命和从欧洲回来到逝世这两段时间内。His study of Buddhism focused on the period from the Reform Movement to the Revolution of 1911 and the period he came back from Europe to his death.

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今文经学对于近代文学的影响在戊戌变法前后表现得尤为突出。The influence of the Up-to-date Classic Writing Study on the Pre-modern Literature is greatly, but it is in Particular around the Wuxu Political Reform.

随着戊戌变法和庚子中国议会的失败,汪康年对自己以前的活动和中国变革的前景进行反省。With the failure of Wuxu Reform and Gengzi Chinese Parliament, Wang Kangnian introspected the activities of himself and the prospect of the reform in China.

但每一次政治觉醒都在一定程度上带动了文化觉醒。如戊戌变法、辛亥革命都曾在一定程度上推动了文化更新。However, every political awakening helped, to a certain extent, to propel the awakening in culture, such as Reform Movement of 1898 and the Revolution of 1911.