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那些是未分发的纸牌。Those are undealt cards.

我们分发了那些。And we were issuing those.

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分发你的糖果和贺卡。Give out candies or cards.

臭蛋分发出难闻的气息。Rotten eggs give off a bad smell.

位置感知的请求分发。Locality-aware request distribution.

建立刺激。再次分发宣传单。Create Stimuli. Re-distribute Flyers.

我们还分发了一份概述文件。We also circulated an overview paper.

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救济品被分发给困难人群。Alms were distributed to those in need.

他把鲜花分发给小学生们。He disbursed the flowers to the pupils.

你可以在食品供应站分发食物。You could give out food at a food bank.

食品分发处也更具创造性。Food pantries are also getting creative.

他以银元分发我们的工资。He dished out our pay in silver dollars.

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把一批船货分发给几家买主。Parcel out a shipment to several buyers.

人们可以坐下来,慢慢读这些分发稿。People can sit down and read our handout.

你可以在食品救助站分发食物。You could give out food at the food bank.

海口,大宗祠分发-奖学金。Foo Clan Bursary Awards to family members.

期货交易不像股票那样分发股份。Futures do not trade in shares like stocks.

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老师分发了考试卷。The teacher gave out the examination papers.

他们给难民分发食物。They parcelled out the food for the refugees.

我们用飞机在城市内分发赠券。We've been out papering the city with flyers.