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为1-8岁儿童设计,对各阶段年数都合用有趣。Created for ages 1-8, yet fun for all.

5个孩子合用一本课本。Every five children shared one textbook.

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一种两个用户合用的包月制电话线。A flat-rate party line with two subscribers.

这块桌布合用呢还是我用另外一块?Will this tablecloth do or should I use another?

不推荐百泌达与胰岛素合用。BYETTA is not recommended to be taken with insulin.

到目前为止这两种药的合用还是FDA批准通过的。Use of the two drugs together is presently FDA-approved.

那些旧掸子来掸汽车上的灰倒挺合用的。Those old dusters will become useful for polishing the car.

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在多数情况下,允许两人合用一个双人间。In most cases, two persons are allowed to occupy a twin-bed room.

服用本品时应避免与抗菌药合用。Please avoid taking other antibacterial when it is administrated.

成灰、成气,没有己意,成为神合用的器皿。Become ashes, air, without self will, become useful vessel to God.

她没有撑开她的红伞,我明白,那是因为她想和我合用一把伞。She did not open up her umbrella, I knew she wanted to share mine.

说明夏塔热片合用其软膏能调节机体免疫功能。It is indicated that XT & O can modulate the immune function in mice.

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人们可以到处跑步,但是他必须和40吨重卡合用道路空间。A man can run anywhere but he has to share space with 40-tonne trucks.

暴风雪很可怕,我只能和林冲合用一把伞了。The snowstorm was so terrible that I had to share an umbrella with Lin.

在为时间可能很长的操作使用合用的线程时要小心。Be careful when using pooled threads for potentially long-lived operations.

我希望能和一个美国女生合用一个双人房间。I would prefer a double-occupancy room shared with an American girl student.

我看戏最讨厌一幕接一幕合用一个布景。I hate to sit there and look at the same stage scenery one act after another.

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典型抗精神病药之间合用,一般意义不大。The model fights chlorpromazine between operable , common sense is not great.

我们甚至可以将几何线和有机线合用,生出更多的变化来。We can even mix geometric and organic lines together, for additional variety.

至少有300个遗传基因开开合合用于控制经验依赖学习。At least 300 genes switch on and off to regulate experience-dependent learning.