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你船预计何时才能重新浮起?When do you expect to refloat?

我船预计在涨潮时可重新浮起。I expect to refloat when tide rises.

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但等看清是谁之后,他的脸上浮起了微笑。He sees who it is he musters a smile.

你船能抛弃后面的货物使船浮起吗?Can you jettison cargo aft to refloat?

我船预计吃水减少时才能重新浮起。I expect to refloat when draft decreases.

你船能抛弃前面的货物使船浮起吗?Can you jettison cargo forward to refloat?

我船预计在天气好转时能重新浮起。I expect to refloat when weather improves.

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我船预计在当地时间0900时可重新浮起。I expect to refloat at 0900 hours local time.

他用一种固定的姿势来坐着,弯下腰,然后轻轻地浮起。He sits in a fixed posture and bow and then levitates.

结论是木片能浮起,前提1?The conclusion is that the Woodchips float. Premise 1?

农望着道远去的背影,脸上浮起了一丝笑容。Agriculture looking way is far of figure, musters a a smile.

林肯发明了一项使船只浮起的装置,但从未实际投入建造。The invention, an apparatus to buoy vessels, was never built.

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爱或思念,总是在不经意间浮起,又寂寂地沉了下去。Love or missing, always in casual birth again big star to sank.

创新和竞争力似乎不能使奥巴马的船浮起。Innovation and competitiveness don’t seem to float Obama’s boat.

把搓好的小丸子放入滚水中煮滚及浮起。Put the small balls into the boiling water until they become flowing.

她若有所思地审视它,黑色的嘴角浮起一丝残酷的微笑。She eyed it speculatively as a cruel smile appeared on her black lips.

看到你恬静的脸庞浮起淡淡的笑容,嘴角也不经意的上翘。See you tranquil face degree, the mouth cape also smile faintly casual curl.

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特殊设计扩散板,砂粒浮起均匀柔软。A specially-designed spreading board enables sand to float evenly and softly.

如果组合中一个窗口被移动,其它窗口也一起浮起。If one window in the group is moved, all other group windows are moved as well.

面对这浮起的荒土,你注定学会潇洒。When you are facing the drifting earth, it is your destiny to let everything go.