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这艘船在海上遇难。The ship wrecked at sea.

两艘船在这场暴风雨中遇难。Two ships were lost in the storm.

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他们筋疲力尽,有的还遇难了。They were beaten. Some were killed.

他险些在飞机失事中遇难。He narrowly escaped in the air crash.

贵州一煤矿爆炸,7人遇难。Colliery gas blast kills 7 in Guizhou.

这只船悬起遇难信号。The ship was flying a distress signal.

她父亲则是遇难的1517名乘客中的一个。Her father was among the 1, 517 who died.

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7300多人在这场地震中遇难。More than 7,300 people died in the quake.

那天遇难的有超过200人。Over 200 people were slaughtered that day.

2009年,矿难事故造成2631人遇难。Accidents killed 2,631 coal miners in 2009.

两艘遇难船的残骸把码头的入口处堵塞了。Two wrecks block the entrance to the harbor.

该船在福建海岸“遇难”了。The ship was wrecked off the coast of Fukien.

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该船在福建海岸帠“遇难”了。The ship was wrecked off the coast of Fukien.

“数以百计的鱼”在新西兰遇难"Hundreds of snapper" perished in New Zealand

遇难欲建立累死中国的互联网控制体系。Vietnam steps up China-style Internet control.

轰炸之后许多人遇难了。Many people have disappeared after the bombing.

此时,我才意识到我的幸免遇难是个奇迹。By then I realised that my survival was a miracle.

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我积攒的钱可使我遇难不慌。She had scraped together enough money for college.

所有的乘客都被从遇难的船上救走。All the passengers were taken off the wrecked ship.

我积攒的钱可使我遇难不慌。The money I've saved is my security against hard times.