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双阳间的价钱是若干?Whathas the price of a double room?

双阳间的价钱是几多?Whatnos the price of a double room?

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神爱阳间的灯光甚于他本身的大星。God loves manis lamplifier lights ideduringer than his own greduring stars.

荣欢欢欣喜地返回阳间,却发现身体已被火化!RongHuanHuan delighted to return wore, but found the body has been cremation!

让吾为其注入吾生命之力,召唤彼至阳间。Let me infuse him with my life-force and awaken him to the world of the living!

她已经死了,但是灵魂还在阳间徘徊,等待向凶手复仇…She's already gone but her soul is still around. Waiting to hunt the killer down.

当他们走向阳间,奥菲斯开始担心他的妻子没跟在他后头。While they were walking to the upper world, Orpheus became afraid that his wife was not behind him.

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同时,塞尔特人也会假扮成鬼的样子,企图混淆跑到阳间的鬼魂。The Celts also wore costumes to disguise themselves, in an attempt to confuse the spirits roaming the Earth.

请鬼,是打开鬼门,迎请阴间的孤魂野鬼来到阳间。Inviting the ghosts involves opening the ghost gate, and inviting the wandering souls to come up from the underworld into the light.

但无法将他从地府再拉回阳间,她便在阿多尼斯的血上洒上葡萄酒,将它变作秋牡丹,一种紫色的小花。Unable to take him back from the lower world, she sprinkled wine on Adonls" blood and turned it into anemone, a delicate purple flower."