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无黑帽战术。No black-hat tactics.

白帽子战术只。White hat tactics only.

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获奖战术已获得一面黑甲勋章。Earn at least one Onyx medal.

战术有别于战略。Tactics differs from strategy.

第三,“尝试游击战术”。Third, "Try guerilla tactics."

其次,战略战术问题。Next about strategy and tactics.

无“黑帽子”战术接受。No "black-hat" tactics accepted.

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战术通信网。Tactical communications network.

你想要进行更多的传中球战术吗?Do you want to play more crossings?

战术二队,你们是否就位?Tactical Team Two, are you with us?

那么,这种新型战术何时产生的呢Okay, when did this come into effect?

他的战术思想让我想到了普兰德利。Tactically he reminds me of Prandelli.

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我知道论两人的战术造诣,那是不可同日而语的。I know that their tactics don't compare.

草黄色俄罗斯战术背心M21。Russian Tactical Vest M21 in Olive Drab.

战略要比战术更加重要。Strategy is more important than tactics.

战术训练场地在营区之外。The tactical fields are outside the camp.

比赛之前我们战术要达成一致。We need to agree tactics before the game.

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但巴西才是奥巴马魅力战术的主攻之地。But his real charm offensive was in Brazil.

他想,此刻,我必需想想我的拖延战术了。Now he thought I must think about the drag.

这场比赛,FGD用了不同的战术。In this game, JVG used a different strategy.