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他们挣扎。They struggle.

他挣扎着要逃脱。He struggled to get free.

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她挣扎着爬出了门外。She sprawled out of the door.

狼在陷井里挣扎。The wolf struggled in the trap.

人们在死亡线上挣扎。People struggle at the dead-line.

这是大多数人挣扎的地方。That’s where most people struggle.

我们也看到痛苦的挣扎。We also witnessed painful debacles.

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所有这些日子。所有这些苦苦挣扎。All these days. All these struggles.

我开始放弃,学会冷漠,但是我不甘心,还想挣扎。I begin to give up, learn apartness.

一只在网中挣扎的金鱼。Novalis- a goldfish caught in a net.

苏亚雷斯的生意在苦苦挣扎。The Soares’ business was struggling.

然而,解聘员工是一件让人很挣扎的事。But it's a struggle to let people go.

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他挣扎着走到一个医疗站。He had struggled to a medical station.

我们很多人都在这种情况中挣扎。Many of us struggle in this situation.

南瓜藤挣扎求存。The pumpkin vines struggle to survive.

妳呢?昰不昰也在思念里挣扎。You? Is not also struggles in missing.

甚至更多的是在赤贫线上挣扎。Even more be struggle on beggarly line.

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敌人因战败而拼死挣扎。The enemy grew desperate at the defeat.

他挣扎着去了急救站。He had struggled to a first-aid station.

你的人民在挣扎,你必须帮助他们。You must help in your people's struggle.