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米尔锥喜欢熙攘的人群和乐队。Mildred liked the crowd and the band.

我讨厌这城市的喧嚣熙攘。I hate the hustle and bustle of the city.

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主日学校的孩子纷纷涌上街头,到处是熙攘的人流。Sunday school was spilling on to the street.

但要在熙攘人流中侦测爆炸物,确实是个难题。But explosives detection remains a problem in mass transit.

通常,北京使馆区的雅宝路熙攘繁忙。YABAO ROAD in Beijing’s embassy district is normally bustling.

此外,丽思卡尔顿的后面就是车流熙攘的70号州际高速公路。Then again, the Ritz backs onto the frontage road of busy Interstate-70.

我们将都市的熙攘抛在脑后,出发前往海边。We left the hustle and bustle of the city behind us and departed for the beach.

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正如卡蒙洛一样,阿肯纳坦时曾经繁华熙攘的首都现在只是神话中的记忆罢了。And like Camelot, Akhenaten's once bustling capital became only a mythic memory.

在周围街道的熙攘喧嚣中,那座教堂却是一座宁静的安息所。The church was a quiet haven amidst the noise and bustle of the streets outside.

在这个曾经熙攘的边境旅游城市,有一半以上的商铺如今已关门闭户了。In a once-busy tourist area close to the border, well over half the shops are boarded up.

西昌是个不太有规划的城市,人群熙攘。Xichang is a sprawling and bustling city, yet more subdued and slower-paced than Chengdu.

这些没有宗教、没有偶像的百姓在熙攘的人群中度过一生,然后独自迈入坟茔。This populace without religion and without idols dies alone after having lived in a crowd.

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1995年5月18日,篁园路上中国小商品城内外张灯结彩,人群熙攘。On May 18,1995 the China Commodity City on Huangyuan Road was decorated brightly and crowded.

在拉贾斯坦邦的曼达瓦,身着艳丽莎丽服的女人们走在熙攘的婚队中。Women in bright saris crowd together as they walk in a bridal procession in Mandawa, Rajasthan.

其功能不过是在人群熙攘的大街上被挤时保持一种合乎礼仪的感觉。Its function is merely one of the maintaining a sense of decency while being jostled about on a busy street.

一些科学家认为船只熙攘来往的噪音会干扰破坏鲸鱼95%的声纳定位能力。Some scientists say noise from all the boat traffic may impair a whale's sonar ability as much as 95 percent.

酒廊的落地长窗,可让您同时欣赏花园的宁谧之美,又可感受繁华城市的熙攘盛况。The full length windows at our lounge provide both a tranquil view of the garden as well as bustling city views.

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撇开这些熙攘热闹的景象,对大多数物理学家来说,只有少数解释至关重要。For all the hustle and bustle, though, there are only a few interpretations that seem to matter to most physicists.

白天熙攘的人流消失后,幸运的租户将会欣赏到这大隐隐于世的壮丽奇观。The crowds of the day having disappeared, the lucky tenants will be able to enjoy the spectacle in perfect solitude.

从人群熙攘的五道口地铁站顺路而下,来到一个不易被人发现的小巷,你会发现这里藏着一个小茶馆。Hidden in a hard-to-find alleyway, just down the road from the bustling Wudaokou subway station, is a tiny tea house.