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亲爱的聊胜于无。Dear Better Than Nothing.

聊胜于无。Something is better than nothing.

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虽不完善,但聊胜于无。It's not perfect, but it is there.

不过即使是具有不确定性的数据看上去也聊胜于无。Still, even uncertain data seems better than none at all.

聊胜于无,哪怕只存一点点也比什么都不存要好很多。Still, saving even a little is better than saving nothing at all.

为了追求真理而犯错是聊胜于无。Making mistakes for pursuing truth is much better than doing nothing.

他们没有象许多特征作为谷歌站长环,但它仍然是聊胜于无!They don't have nearly as many features as Webmaster Central, but it's still better than nothing!

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这样也能聊胜于无的提高您产品的可用性。This alone will improve the usability of your product because some testing is far better than no testing.

我也没有幻想,即一个单一的长达三小时的练习赛,将提供足够的教育,但它是聊胜于无。I had no delusions that a single three-hour practice session would provide sufficient education, but it was better than nothing.

哪怕微乎其微的努力,也是聊胜于无。且小小的努力所带来的结果可以激发你迈出更大更有效的步伐。Eventhesmallest effort is much better than doing nothing. And small efforts that bring results will motivate youtotake bigger, more effective steps.

再无微乎其微的努力,也是聊胜于无。而且一旦小小的努力为你带来结果,就会激发你的积极性,而迈出更大、更有效的步伐。Even the smallest effort is much better than doing nothing. And small efforts that bring results will motivate you to take bigger, more effective steps.

利物浦队长杰拉德承认,明年五月份在汉堡赢得首届欧罗巴联赛可谓是聊胜于无的安慰。Steven Gerrard, the Liverpool captain, admitted the task of winning the inaugural Europa League in Hamburg next May represented a dispiriting consolation.

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厨房里最显眼的是一个大烤箱,古老的议员准备了聊胜于无的半个面包、空中的馅饼和他们能有以及也吃的蛋糕。The kitchen features a large bakery, where the ancient solons prepared half loaves that were better than none, pies in the sky and cake that they could have and eat too.