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罂粟经不起移植。Poppies do not transplant well.

由多个小孔开裂的蒴果,如罂粟。A capsule opening by pores, as in a poppy.

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罂粟碱损伤血管内皮。Papaverine do damage to endothelial cells.

罂粟壳属于麻醉药品管理。Mecon shell belongs to anesthesia medicine.

伱是我生命里戒不掉的罂粟。U are my can't get rid of poppy 1n my liFe.

加利弗尼亚一种开亮丽红色花野生罂粟。California wild poppy with bright red flowers.

罂粟和咒符和你的打击相比,同样。And poppy, or charms can make us sleep as well.

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阿富汗的罂粟变成了柏林的海洛因。The poppies in Afghanistan become the heroin in Berlin.

美味的糕点将由这些生物罂粟种子做成。Tasty pastries will be made out of these bio- poppy seeds.

拌入蛋与罂粟籽,随即加入擦成细丝的柠檬皮与柠檬汁。Beat in eggs and seeds, followed by the lemon zest and juice.

国殇纪念日的象征是一个红色的花朵名叫罂粟。The symbol of Remembrance Day id a red flower called a poppy.

东半球一种山罂粟,开白或黄到橙黄色花。Old World alpine poppy with white or yellow to orange flowers.

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位于巴达赫尚省一块地里的一颗罂粟果分泌出鸦片膏。A poppy bulb oozes opium paste in a fieldin Badakhshan Province.

在阿富汗巴达赫尚省的一片田地里,一颗罂粟球茎缓缓地渗出鸦片浆液。A poppy bulb oozes opium paste in a field in Badakhshan Province.

这些罂粟生长于萨克福马附近拉什米尔圣安德鲁的一块田地里。These poppies are in a field in Rushmere St Andrew, near Suffolk.

另里一风车窗中,灰绿色彩草本连绵没有决,四高外非整治的罂粟。Beyond the other rolled a grey-green savannah, gashed with poppies.

现在大部分的罂粟产自南部的赫尔曼德省。Most of the opium now comes from the Helmand province in the south.

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一个农民蹲着给临近的罂粟地除杂草,背后就是一片罂粟花。A farmer squats with his back to the flowers, weeding an adjacent field.

每一颗罂粟籽大小的燃料粒子中心是一个铀核。At the center of each poppy seed-size fuel particle is a uranium kernel.

在每个犹如罂粟种子大小的燃料颗粒中心是铀核。At the center of each poppy seed-size fuel particle is a uranium kernel.