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健康每况愈下使人志气衰退。Failing health dwindles ambition.

但是萨德拉的健康却每况愈下。But Sandra’s health began to decline.

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自那以后可怜的菲洛的生活每况愈下。Life went downhill for poor Philo after that.

他每况愈下,最终死亡。He gets worse and worse and eventually it kills him.

大凡事物,听其自然就会每况愈下。Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.

首先,城市交通每况愈下。First of all, urban traffic is getting from bad to worse.

好了,真打击人,每况愈下啊Good, put me in my place. It gets worse every year for me.

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他们的家境每况愈下。Their family financial circumstances are from bad to worse.

在2004年的错误诊断之前,他的健康状况每况愈下。Before Yang's wrong diagnosis in 2004, his health had been failing.

从帝国军校毕业后,达拉的事业每况愈下。Graduating from the Imperial Academy, Daala's career was foundering.

无可否认,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。There is no denying that our living qualities have gone from bad to worse.

但是,随着动物年龄的增长,这一机制每况愈下,蛋白质开始堆积。But as animals age, the systems deteriorate, and protein begins to build up.

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与此同时,当夫差的王国每况愈下,越国则富国强兵。Meanwhile, as Fuchai’s kingdom declined, Yue grew rich and raised a new army.

“贝西氏病”则反覆发作,每况愈下,视力严重衰退。"Behcet's disease" repeated attacks, deteriorating eyesight severe recession.

据悉,自两年前德拉罗查女士摔断大腿骨以后,她的身体也便每况愈下。He said she had been in declining health since breaking her hip two years ago.

我们在家中和办公室所吸进的空气品质其实是每况愈下。The quality of air we breath at home and in office is getting worse and worse.

这曾是一家很不错的报纸,不过最近几年经营状况已经每况愈下了。This used to be an excellent newspaper but in recent years it has gone to the dogs.

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我们获悉意大利的粮食供应由于铁路运输停顿而每况愈下。We knew that the food sitution in Italy had worsened as rail traffic was disrupted.

金正日今年70岁,2008年得过一次中风类疾病,此后身体便每况愈下。Kim is 70 years old and his health deteriorated after a stroke-like illness in 2008.

许多老主顾都感觉到了这家饭店的服务质量每况愈下。Many regular customers have noticed that the service in this restaurant is in decline.