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她是个装模作样的女孩。She is a poseur girl.

我笑他装模作样。I laughed at his histrionics.

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装模作样劲儿真令人作呕。Her affectations make you sick.

她那装模作样劲儿真令人作呕。Her affectations make you sick.

我们总觉得她在装模作样。We always felt she was playacting.

你装模作样,直到大家都讨厌你。You've postured until everyone's sick of you.

有时有人说我惯于装模作样。I am sometimes accused of being an inveterate poseur.

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装模作样,尴尬和害怕都能使人微笑。Smugness, embarrassment and fear can all cause smiles.

他到底是装模作样还是真的恨我们?The question Is this playacting or does he really hate us?

进了会场,皓月一眼便看到了那个装模作样的道士。In the hall, an eye then saw the affectation of the priests.

在欧盟外交方面德国从不装模作样。When it comes to EU diplomacy Germany does not do histrionics.

我的文章“面对新工作,装模作样”就是关于突破性成长的。My paper, “ Bluff your way into a new job, ” is all about stretch growth.

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而言,她的通感单词就同样会暴露装模作样的反应次数。M. , these bumbling reaction times also show up for her synaesthetic words.

他的恐吓威胁是很少见诸行动的,通常只是张牙舞爪,装模作样罢了!He very rarely puts his threat into practice-usually it's just saber –rattling.

“她永远仪态万方,但从来不装模作样。”设计师这样描述自己的客户。"She's always a lady, but she never gives a damn, " says the designer of her customer.

谢谢那些知道和理解的人,专辑封面是故意的装模作样。Thank you those who appreciate and understand that the album cover is deliberately campy.

房子虽已破败,却还是桀骜不驯,装模作样,真是丑中之丑。Although the house is already devastated, and unruly, but still, it's ugly one of the ugly.

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如果连你最会讲的那个笑话都让人打哈欠了的话,你如何要给自己圆场,装模作样扮小丑呢?And if your best joke makes people yawn, how do you keep your chin up and your clown nose on?

比如我们的军队是否摒弃了其一贯的装模作样的官僚主义作风?Has the military really ceased to be the big, bumbling bureaucracy it was always taken to be?

你的神态现在看上去挺有趣,但要是一不小心,长大就会变成个装模作样的小傻瓜。Your airs are funny now, but you'll grow up an affected little goose, if you don't take care.