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一条金鱼怎么样?How about a goldfish?

这张有一条金鱼在它上面。This one has a goldfish on it.

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记得喂你得金鱼。Remember to feed your goldfish.

她是灰姑娘的金鱼。Goldie is Cinderella's goldfish.

九条金鱼水里游。In the water swim nine goldfish.

金鱼是海洋中的巨物。The whale is the giant of the sea.

毕竟,金鱼是杂食类动物。Goldfish are, after all, omnivores.

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一只在网中挣扎的金鱼。Novalis- a goldfish caught in a net.

扇尾金鱼容易照顾。Fantail goldfish are easy to look after.

扇尾金鱼是容易照顾的。Fantail goldfish are easy to look after.

金鱼只有三分钟的记忆。Goldfish have a three-second memory span.

一尾憨态可掬的金鱼,能带给我们纯粹的欢愉。One cute fish can bring us pure happiness.

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小明每天给他的金鱼喂饵料。Xiaoming feeds his goldfish with fish bait.

奇特的金鱼现在也被更多喂养。Fancy goldfish, too, are collected more now.

但这可不像养金鱼或孔雀鱼那么简单。This is not like raising goldfish or guppies.

您是否使您的金鱼在玻璃碗?Are You Keeping Your Goldfish In A Glass Bowl ?

池塘里混养着金鱼和鲤鱼。The pond contains a mixture of goldfish and carp.

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“金鱼草”全力打造花饰品知名品牌。Antirrhinum majus to create flower jewelry brands.

二唇的二唇的,如金鱼草的花冠。Having two lips, as the corollas of the snapdragon.

到1925年,又增加出10余个新品种金鱼。Until 1925, and increase the 10 varieties goldfish.