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我想你了妞儿。You know I miss you, girl.

你真是个不怕羞的淘气妞儿。She was a shy, retiring girl.

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她是个漂亮姑娘,但是要当心,可是个祸水妞儿啊。She's a beautiful girl—but beware, she's jailbait.

她是个漂亮姑娘,但是要当心,可是个祸水妞儿啊。She’s a beautiful girl—but beware, she’s jailbait.

“她是个规矩的好妞儿,”他赞赏地说。She's a fine decent tart , he said with appreciation.

我记得听说过有啥人在妞儿越是开过一个包子摊啊。I seem to remember some guy in NYC opening a boazi stand.

美中不足的是,她带着一个还是婴儿的女儿,名叫妞儿。Fly in the ointment is that she is carrying a baby daughter, named girl.

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一上来就遇见一个女孩子,网名叫金妞儿,这个名字引起他的兴趣。He happens to meet a girl named Gold-girl which interests him very much.

你好,金妞儿,你的名字太可爱了,听起来富贵逼人啊。Hi, Gold-girl, I like your name very much. It sounds wealth and fortune.

我没时间泡妞儿。但是,会说话的青蛙,太酷了。I don't have time for a girlfriend, but a talking frog, now that's cool.

隔壁住着这样的妞儿,怎么都不行动啊。I don't know how you live next door to, that without doing something about it.

知道吗,刚才我还在想,这妞儿还挺有脑子的。You know, for a second there, I was actually like, "this chick has a brain in her head."

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好吧,但是如果我也有一个到处都是美妞儿的大房子,我也愿意成为一个死宅。Well, when you have a house like that and girls over all the time i might become a shut-in, too.

虽然这些妞儿漂亮而又妩媚动人,但你还是可以从他们当中的一些人身上看到一些残留的男性特征!Some of these ladies look very beautiful and feminine, but some of them still have some male features.

妞儿们知道我是孟菲斯城1983年初中组象棋冠军的话肯定会产生性冲动的。Ladies will be sexually aroused to know that I was the Memphis City Junior High Chess Champion of 1983.

而他看到女篮时,则说过“嘿,妞儿,我们黑人球员有最长的xx。”A women's basketball team was once greeted with "Hey girls, our black player has the longest appendage."

今天我跟一个刚搬回来朋友聊天,他跟我讲述他昨晚在酒吧里泡一个妞儿的过程。Today, I was sitting with a friend who moved back, and he told me about how he hooked up with a girl at a bar last night.

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今天我和一妞儿约会,她一边儿开车一边儿和或者人发短信,然后在一个房子前停下来,叫我在车里等着。Today, I went on a date with a girl. She drove whellole texting someone then stopped at a house and told me to wait in the car.

她的一次单只眨眼动作能够令他怒火中烧,于是这给了他理由在任何人潮涌动的聚会上搜寻漂亮妞儿。Frank could trigger it in her with the blink of an eye, so conditioned was he to ­scanning any crowded party for ­gorgeous girls.

凭良心说,我相信那妞儿是爱上我的,为的是她自己决不称赞我一句,也决不容许人家诋毁我嘛。In my conscience I believe the baggage loves me, for she never speaks well of me herself nor suffers any body else to rail at me.