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生动的再生产带来词和想法给生活。The vivid reproductions bring words and ideas to life.

到1987年,该厂就不再生产军用浓缩铀了。The plant did not process weapon-grade uranium till 1987.

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这意味着这种细胞可以持续生长并且无限再生产。This means the cells can keep growing and reproducing indefinitely.

能当然好,不能呢那么你就要学会再生产。Can of course, well, you should not do so we must learn to reproduction.

科学家们正在把回收牡蛎壳作为牡蛎再生产计划的一部分。Scientists are using recycled shells as part of an oyster reproduction program.

生猪出栏率是反映生猪再生产综合水平的一个重要指标。Live pig sell rate is a important index of reflecting live pig reproduction level.

如果我是公司1,我要是再生产,价格会怎么变动呢So if I'm Firm 1, if I produce any more quantity, what's going to happen to the price?

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固定资产投资是社会固定资产再生产的主要手段。Investment in fixed assets is the essential means for social reproduction of fixed assets.

现在四汽缸汽车已不再生产,而“B”字徽章仍是本特利的象征。Now, four-cylinder cars are no longer produced, and "B" word is still the Bentley badge symbol.

都市文化模式是文化都市实现自身再生产的核心与本体。The pattern of cultural metropolis is the core and noumenon of realizing its self-reproduction.

造币局今年会再生产一定数量的此类金币,但售完后年内将不再增加。A limited quantity will be produced and once that is depleted, the Mint won't make more this year.

在所有的再生产完成之前,存储品牌维生素的风险会很高。The risk for store-brand vitamins will be particularly high until all of the reformulation is complete.

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如果含量过高,这些化学物质可以扰乱动物的内分泌系统,引起癌症、改变再生产能力。At high doses, these chemicals can disrupt animal endocrine systems, cause cancer and alter reproduction.

设计是基于一个准确的唱机再生产的最重要因素清醒的认识。The design is based on a clear understanding of the most important factors in accurate phono reproduction.

不过和工业时代的大规模再生产不同,这些复制品不仅便宜,而且免费。Unlike the mass-produced reproductions of the machine age, these copies are not just cheap, they are free.

本文件的复制,引用,或者再生产,揭露内容,是受法律限制的。Permission to copy, quote from, or otherwise reproduce or reveal the contents of this document is limited bylaw.

找出从专业的艺术家在这个自由画册专辑再生产具有专门知识的整理视频选项。Find out your finishing options with expertise from a professional artist in this free giclee reproduction video.

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固定资产投资审计是对固定资产再生产全过程的审计,是检查监督财政收支财务收支的真实、合法和效益的行为。The fixed assets investment auditing is a kind of auditing aimed at the overall process of fixed assets reproduction.

他们采用的新型再生产制造方法是三维孔阵列探测器发展过程中的关键一步。Their reproducible new fabrication methodology is the critical process step for 3-D hole-arrays detector development.

经济指社会物质生产和再生产的活动,也称社会物质生活。Economy refers to the material production and reproduction activities of the society, also called socio-material life.