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不冷不热的时刻己经过去。The time for lukewarmness is past.

他作出这样一种不冷不热的回应对以色列没有帮助。He is doing Israel no favors with such a tepid response.

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他们不冷不热的欢迎使我觉得浑身不舒服。Their lukewarm welcome gave me an all-over sort of feeling.

他们不冷不热的欢迎使我觉得浑身不舒服。Their lukewarm welcome give me an all-over sort of feeling.

怀基基这里终年不冷不热。Waikiki is neither too hot nor too cold all the year round.

莉薇觉得卡罗琳的问候似乎有些不冷不热。Livy thought Caroline's greeting seemed a little restrained.

美国官方对帕潘德里欧先生的回应一直是不冷不热。The official American response to Mr Papandreou has been tepid.

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卡丁周末回到家,对卢伊萨不冷不热。Back home, KaDing weekend for Lou issa neither too hot nor too cold.

我想我已经没有力气去和你那不冷不热做抗争。I think I have no strength to do that and you be neither hot nor cold.

不冷不热的教会是警告基督徒不可不冷不热。The lukewarm church is a clear warning for Christians not to be lukewarm.

中国与加拿大上届政府的关系一直不冷不热。China's relationship with the previous Canadian government had been lukewarm.

盖茨认为,氢能不大可能成为主流能源,他对此的态度充其量也就是不冷不热。On the former, Gates was lukewarm at best about its potential as a mainstream source.

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不冷不热,这是秋的感情,这是秋给予我的温暖。Be neither hot nor cold, this is the autumn feelings, this is the autumn gives me warmth.

她的竞选团被置于党外,仅仅靠着它背后的贵族给予的一些不冷不热的支持。She campaigned outside the party structure, with only lukewarm support from its grandees.

正当中国加紧加强其军事力量的同时,华盛顿仅做出不冷不热的反应。Even as China has pressed to build up its military forces, Washington has reacted tepidly.

一位朋友告诉我,不冷不热干爽的季节最让人喜爱,我点头默许。A friend told me that neither cold nor hot dry season most people love, I nodded acquiescence.

阳光暖暖地照着,秋风轻轻地吹着,不冷不热,气温宜人。The sun was warm, the autumn wide bleexed gently, no too hot and cold, temperature was satisfy for people.

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阳光暖暖地照着,秋风轻轻地吹着,不冷不热,气温宜人。The sun was warm, the autumn wind bleezed gently, no too hot and cold, temperature was satisfy for people.

这几年谁都在说他们快要结婚了,虽然他本人对这件事似乎有点不冷不热似的。Everybody’s known for years that they’d get married some time, even if he did seem kind of lukewarm about it.

她说,“在给同事不冷不热的反应时,不会直接的伤害他们的感情,帮他们保全了面子。”When giving a colleague lukewarm feedback, Nelson says, "Being indirect spares the person's feelings and helps them save face."