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我感到非常幸运,我们有师公的祝福!I feel extremely lucky that we have this divine blessing!

壮族师公教有明显的多神崇拜特征。The Shigong Religion of Zhuang Nationality has a characteristic of multi-deity worship.

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美国国家催眠师公会是一个现立于新罕布什尔州,教育性的非营利组织。The National Guild of Hypnotists is a not -for- profit, educational corporation in the State of New Hampshire.

壮族麽教和壮族师公教都是壮族原生型民间宗教。The Zhuangs' Mo religion and the Zhuangs' Shigong religion are two original folk religions of the Zhuang Nationality.

为了满足师公的心愿,谢飞和父亲谢峻只好偷渡来到香港。To satisfy the cherished desire with general division, xie Fei and father Xie Jun are forced to be crossed secretly come to Hong Kong.

然后萨姜米庞仁波切拜见了师公,接受了个别的指导,并被鼓励回来再接受更多的教授。Afterwards, the Sakyong met with Dodrupchen Rinpoche, received personal instruction and was encouraged to return for further teachings.

希望除了领红包,学生们也能把压岁钱捐出来,给师公帮忙苦难的人。We hope that, apart from getting red envelopes, the children can also donate the money they receive to help Master Cheng Yen serve the needy.

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当前高师公共教育学教学存在著价值取向不明的问题。At present, the value orientation of the pedagogy teaching to non-pedagogy majors in China's normal colleges and universities is very obscure.

壮族师公教众神平等的根源在于历史上壮族长期处于分散而居、部落林立、酋帅众多的社会状态。The cause of the equality among the deities is that the Zhuang people were separated into many groups and tribes with many chieftains in history.

其中,学生主体性的丧失是高师公共心理学教学效果欠佳的深层原因。Among them, loss of the students' initiatives is the critical reason for the unideal outcome in the teaching of psychology for non psychology majors in a normal college.