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只要你愿意对其谆谆教导。If you are willing to guide it.

他谆谆教导他的孩子们要懂规矩。He inculcates good manners in his children.

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他谆谆教导我要尽孝顺之道。He beat in me the duties of loyalty and filial piety.

我们决不要辜负老师的谆谆教导。We must never be unworthy of our teachers' untiring and sincere teachings.

铭记罗师谆谆教导,引自己走向光明。I will always remember the earnest teachings from Prof. Luo that guided me to the bright land.

从幼儿园到高中,学生们被谆谆教导要珍惜读书的机会和享受读书的乐趣。Since kindergarten up to high school we were always told to love and cherish the pleasure of reading.

您的谆谆教导,常在我耳际出现,我将长铭于心,永志不忘!Your earnest teachings will never fade . I shall engrave them onto my heart and always bear them in mind.

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周总理的谆谆教导和鼓励,我将永远铭记在心中,永世不会忘记!Premier Zhou earnest instructions and encouragement I will always remember in our hearts forever will never forget!

他们的谆谆教导,语重心长,甚至孜孜不倦地为你树立起人生正确的航行。Their sincere words and earnest wishes even their perseverences are good for you to set up the right sailing of life.

你还好吗?这个学期以来真的非常感谢您对我们的谆谆教导,自问您对我们真是问心无愧。Are you ok?This semester has really thank you for our earnestly ask you for teachings, we really have a clear conscience.

牛一蓓谆谆教导郝京妮要当个好媳妇,好女儿,郝京妮听着,很打动。The bud of Beijing hao's teaching earnestly to when a good daughter-in-law, good daughter, hao Beijing ni listen, is affected.

比谆谆教导更具影响力的,是学生所处的环境以及教师待人处世的方式。The practical environment the students live in and the teachers' life attitude are more effective in teaching than sheer talking.

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我是从故乡屋檐下飞出的一只小鸟,每一根羽毛的成长都凝结着您的深情抚爱和谆谆教导。I am flying out from under the eaves of the home of a bird, the growth of each feather are condensed caress your affection and earnest instructions.

在众议院银行委员会上,他谆谆教导各位委员保持美元信誉的重要性,“如果有必要的话,可以将最后一个金块兑换出去。”He lectured the House Banking Committee on the importance of maintaining the dollar’s credibility “down to the last bar of gold, if that be necessary.”

毛老人家曾谆谆教导“实践出真知”——通过反复实践,中国人已经学会了如何品味品牌和设计师产品,以及如何大把大把的花钱。"Learning by doing" exhorted Mao – and the Chinese have learnt how to covet brands, crave designer items and spend money like a billion drunken sailors.

我是从故乡屋檐下飞出的一只小鸟,每一根羽毛成长都凝聚着您的深情抚爱和谆谆教导。I am from birthplace eave plays a young bird that fly off, each feather grows to condensing your affectionate caress and earnestly and tirelessly are taught.

没有你们的谆谆教导,小芳没有自己,因为你们指明了方向,小芳才学会思考,思考生命的意义。Without your earnest teachings, Xiaofang not have their own, because you pointed out the direction, Xiaofang only learn to think and ponder the meaning of life.

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在温杜的谆谆教导下,德帕成为了一名杰出的绝地,荣升绝地大师的等级,与前师父一起名列绝地委员会之中。Under his skilled tutelage, Billaba became a remarkable Jedi, ascending to rank of Master herself and earning a place on the Jedi Council beside her former Master.

你会发现传教士,虽然对他们谆谆教导,但这些狡猾的附加条件,破坏了传教士的初衷。You can see that these cunningly insinuated provisos to the attitude that the missionary wants to inculcate in them in a very real way completely undermines his purpose.

也许语气一开始正式,后来放松了,最后又回到正经八百、谆谆教导的口吻,还冀望读者接受你的论点。Perhaps you begin in a formal way, then slip into a more casual mode, then return to a formal, didactic voice before ending with a blatant plea for acceptance of your argument.