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我满心欢喜。I am bursting with joy.

分享的欢喜是加倍的欢喜。And shared joy is double joy.

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他们全都为他的成功而欢喜万分。They all joyed in his success.

陶工满心欢喜。The potter was filled with joy.

这种欢喜的日子很可能还会继续。And the festa may well continue.

我非常欢喜能够共襄盛举。I am very happy to be part of it.

我确实有一个深刻的欢喜的记忆。I do have one strong, fond memory.

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当我们使用我们的才干时,神就欢喜God smiles when we use our abilities.

李和林成了欢喜冤家。Li and Lin became quarrelsome lovers.

来去欢喜大自在。Maheshvara come and go as he pleases.

没有一丝倦意,只有满心欢喜。Not a trace of weariness, only happy.

曹操大大欢喜听这个。Cao Cao greatly rejoiced to hear this.

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当我们全心信靠他,神就欢喜God smiles when we trust him completely.

然后他们欢喜而又惊奇地喊起来。Then they gave a cry of joy and surprise.

我知道你欢喜我的歌唱。I know thou takest pleasure in my singing.

老妈也满心欢喜的忙里忙外。Mama was also very happy, busy in and out.

一曲秋歌,几人欢喜几人忧?A few people happy autumn, few people care?

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当我们全心全意遵从他,神就欢喜God smiles when we obey him wholeheartedly.

他的欢喜,他的诗,在风前轻摇。His joys, his poesy frolicked on the breeze.

我真怕这场欢喜太大了,也许不会是真的吧!I'm afraid the joy is too great to be real!'