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大概是150人。It's about 150.

这大概是荷尔蒙的缘故。Hormones, probably.

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我说大概没有。I say probably not.

大概一小时一次。Roughly once an hour.

大概一、两周吧!Perhaps a week or two.

大概华氏80度吧。about like 80 degrees.

大概在93年的时候我放弃了。I quit that around '93.

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我大概有惧高症!Guess I have Acrophobia!

大概是30。3秒。It's about 30.3 seconds.

给我一个大概的数字。Gie me a ball park figure.

我想她大概有四十岁了吧。I think she’s about forty.

我想大概是一九八三年。It would be 1983, I think.

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那大概是他的母亲。That should be his mother.

大概一只足便能足数完?There are maybe a handful?

大概连续十八天了!For eighteen days straight!

我想她大概有三十岁了吧。I guess she’s about thirty.

只说了大概一万遍。Only about a billion times.

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晚宴已经准备得大概齐了。The dinner is almost ready.

这大概就是你所需要的。This will be what you need.

哇,-大概就是这样。Wow. -That is sort of that.