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给出与之相匹配的该机头尾星轮弯道曲线方程。The curve equations are also shown in this paper.

没有头尾的,怪兽也——挖苦做事没头没尾的人。It is a strange beast that has neither head nor tail.

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为了让它们更牢固,捏住头尾扭成一股。For a tighter strip, twist the strands from one end to the other.

在粟米头尾各插上一支竹签,可免烫手。Head of the corn planted in a thin bamboo sticks can be Free hot.

头尾四年的大学教育,使我受益不少。Four years' total education in the university has benefited me greatly.

所用肉类都先剔除骨头,鱼去头尾和骨刺,虾蟹去壳。Used to eliminate all meat, fish head bone spur, shrimp and crab shell.

研究人员从卫星照片中无法分辨牛群的头尾。They couldn't tell a cow's head from its tail in the satellite pictures.

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而在视觉上,就是你无法描述这两个曲面在何处头尾相接。Visually, it is when one cannot tell when one surface ends and another begins.

这个表演者躺在马的头尾之间就象在家里那样悠然自得。The performer seemed quite at home anywhere between a horse's head and its tail.

鸡必须连同头尾爪一起奉上,象征有头有尾幸福美满。The chicken must be presented with a head, tail and feet to symbolize completeness.

这种想法有时做的有些过分,加上头尾做的像个龙。This idea is sometimes carried too far when head and tail are added to make it look like a dragon.

头尾引导的阀瓣保证阀杆工作不会受到高压力流体产生的侧面推力的影响。Top and bottom-guided disc assures stem operation without side thrust caused by high pressure flow.

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解决了同批次带钢连续出现头尾宽度超差的问题。The method solves the problem of over-poor head and tail width of the band steels of the same batch.

他被要求展开他的手掌,在他的手掌上尽其所能地将一些点22口径的子弹头尾相接地堆起来。He was asked to spread his palm and stack as many . 22-cal. bullets on top of one another as he could.

将豆芽头尾摘除,放入沸水中汆烫一下,取出沥干水分备用。Remove both ends from bean sprouts and blanch in boiling water for a minute. Then remove and drain well.

分析了立辊孔型内倒角半径对轧件切头尾量、轧件稳定段轧件边部变形程度的影响。The influence of groove fillet radii of vertical rolls on cropping and margin deformation of slab were analyzed.

在实验中,所有汽车头尾相接排成一列,在领头司机的控制下进行半自动操作。This is where cars are linked together into a train and operate semi-autonomously under the control of a lead driver.

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钻夹头尾部可制造成莫氏锥度、贾格锥度或公、英制螺纹孔与机床连接。The chuck can be connected with machine tools through Morse taper, Jarno taper, metric screw thread, or inch screw thread.

优化结果表明,板坯头尾部失宽量大幅度减小,失宽区域长度也有所缩短。The results show the width deviation at ends is largely decreased and the length of the width deviation area is shortened.

为了提高热轧带钢的成材率、减少板坯头尾部的失宽量,在热连轧粗轧机组中采用了短行程控制。At the roughing stands of hot tandem rolling, short stroke control was used for increasing yield and decreasing width deviation.