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谁放屁?Who farted?

又是谁偷放屁?。Who farted again?

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我不想这时候放屁。I hope I don't fart.

因为他们听见汤姆放屁。Because they heard Dori fart.

通宵放出大量的放屁。A LOT of farts escape overnight.

人爱放屁是好事吗?Is person love fart meddlesome ?

你知道怎样用胳肢窝放屁吗?Do you know how to make arm farts ?

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永远不要在公共场所放屁,打嗝或者骂人。Never fart, burp, or cuss in public.

他吃的愈多,放屁也愈多。The more he ate, the more he farted.

大多数人每天放屁6-20次。Most people pass gas 6-20 times a day.

我只是不能控制地一直放屁。I just can't stop farting all the time.

别吃那么多鳝鱼,积一肚子气,尽放屁!Don't eat so much eel! It gives you gas.

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第一项议案探测放屁机!The first motion-detecting fart machine!

先‘放屁FART’,然后就能拍好片。FART first, and you'll make better pictures.

他说他吃的愈多,放屁也愈多。He said the more he ate, the more he farted.

吃的愈多,放屁也愈多。He said the more he ate, the more he farted.

内裤能消除放屁的味道!Underwear that takes the smell out of farts!

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你知道什么是放屁扶着墙吗?What's meaning of “hold the wall when farting”?

不过,可别对放屁过于紧张。Do not get too flustered about farting, however.

对于他们来说,放屁可以,甲烷免谈。They could fart, but they shouldn't fart methane.