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凡在他殿中的,都称说他的荣耀。And in his temple all cry, 'Glory!'

在过去的两年、我们经常听闻科学家称说有一个属灵的基因。During the last two years we hear about the possible discovery of a spiritual gene.

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这些诗人在职业生涯初期创作一些简单的田园诗,但是维吉尔的叙述者称说,他现在更有抱负了。Poets begin their careers with easy pastoral poems, but Virgil's speaker says that he is more ambitious now.

Michael握着一把带有锯齿的刀刃,坚定地对准狱长的喉咙,狱长对他吼叫称说Michael这是将自己的刑期又加了10年。Pope, the jagged blade aimed steadily at his throat, barks that Michael just added ten years to his sentence.

客家方言就像许多方言那样,对动物的雌雄有着和普通话很不同的称说。Hakka dialect, like many other dialects, is different from Mandarin on referring to the female and the male in speaking.

纽特·金瑞茨则用文档宣称说中国和印度的小孩的教育水平越来越超过美国了。Newt Gingrich has trumpeted a documentary arguing that Chinese and Indian children are much more academic than American ones.

案件围绕有关指称进行,该项指称说巴黎市政厅对希拉克领导的保守党的同情者提供虚职。The case revolves around an allegation that the Paris city hall gave fake jobs to sympathizers of Mr. Chirac's conservative party.

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这段声明与泄露的日志记录一致,而对外发布的新闻稿中也宣称说塔利班武装人员肯定是躲在建筑物中,用孩子做肉盾。That claim is consistent with the leaked log. A press release also claimed that Taliban fighters, who undoubtedly were in the compound, had used the children as a shield.

三月份的时候,他宣称说日本的地震和海啸是“神的警告”,因为这个国家追崇“偶像崇拜、无神论以及物质主义”这类歪门邪道。In March he sparked a storm of criticism by claiming the earthquake and tsunami in Japan was "God's warning" to a country that follows "idol worship, atheism, and materialism".

贝德福德市的琼-索耶称说,在上千个垃圾袋中找回自己曾误丢戒指的那一袋,她所有的努力都值得了。Joan Sawyer of Bedford says all her efforts paid off after realizing the horror of dropping her diamond ring into her single trash bag, that wound up among thousands of others.

美国不能把鼎力支持给予这样一个以色列政府-----宣称说它与两国基础性原则无关,并且将继续占领约旦河西岸。America cannot give unstinting support to an Israeli government that says it is resiling from the fundamental principle of two states and will continue to colonise the West Bank.