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他们的财富外流了。Their fortune drained away.

新税也放慢了资金外流的速度.The tax has also slowed some cash outflows.

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这个国家最优秀的人才在不断外流。This country is being drained of its best talents.

画面中一只狐狸正被一群猎狗撕咬得肠子外流。It shows a fox being disembowelled by a pack of hounds.

购物请到大润发,两岸资金不外流!RT -Mart shoppers go, do not cross-strait capital outflows!

水龙头都开着,水在向外流。这是一种浪费。The taps were left on and the water was running. It's a waste.

更高的收购价可以认为是阻止这种外流的代价,因此也算值得。The higher bid was a price deemed worth paying to stop the exodus.

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慢性青光眼的治疗可用缩瞳药使水样液的外流增加以降低眼内压。Chronic glaucoma can be treated with drugs that contract the pupil.

引起房水外流减少的原因有下列几种。The outflow of aqueous humor can be decreased by several mechanisms.

中国监管部门还面临着资金外流的问题。Capital outflows from China are also presenting issues for regulators.

可是,如果说你的朋友在外流浪,蓬头垢面。But, if your friend roams about outside, dishevelled hair and dirty face.

伊朗与阿富汗共享一段很长的边界,毒品可以通过边界堂而皇之地外流。Iran shares a long border with Afghanistan through which drugs readily flow.

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如果放松资本管制会导致非常重要的存款出现外流,就不能这样。Can't do that if it frees those all-important capital deposits to go elsewhere.

值得关注的是,这种外流很大一部分是能力强的军官。Significantly, this leakage includes a large share of high-performing officers.

但是,这场辩论“已被美国岗位流向印度这一话题占据了,这一外流被称作离岸。The debate "has been hogged by US-to-India, which is what's called offshoring."

因此全家人的雅各迁往埃及和住在这里,直到外流。Thus the whole family of Jacob moved to Egypt and lived there until the Exodus.

是的,中国正在遭受世界?恼勰?而且资金已经开始外流。Yes, China is suffering from the world crisisandthere have been outflowsoffunds.

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最近几年俄罗斯一些专家外流到了美国。Some of experts in Russia were drained away to the United states in recent years.

血小板不断在管道中运行,直到遇到渗漏处外流的压力。The Platelets travel in the pipe until the outflowing pressure pulls them toward to the crack.

之前的数据显示自从2008年以来,中国在10月份首次出现了资金外流。Preliminary data suggests capital flowed out of China in October for the first time since 2008.