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警方有军队作后盾。The police had military back-up.

他是拿破仑的支柱,丹东的后盾。He is Napoleon's stay and Danton 's resource.

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无铅波峰焊接制程的坚强后盾。The strong support of PB-FREE wave soldering.

它有棉缎的后盾,在所有领域的底部打开。It has a sateen backing that's open across bottom.

宝健是您生命健康坚实的后盾!Pro-Health is the solid backing of your life healthy.

在此基础上,以京军为后盾的分地防御的边防格局初步形成。Then a new system of the frontier defence was formed.

小美,我们永远是你坚强的后盾!Little America, we will always be your strong backing!

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他以事实和数字为后盾毫不费力地驳倒了诽谤者。He had little difficulty in talking the slanderer down.

中国发行债券的公司大多有政府做后盾。Most companies that issue bonds in China are government-backed.

但这也是在一个极强大和无处不在的国家做后盾。But this is combined with an extremely strong and ubiquitousstate.

但这也是在一个极强大和无处不在的国家做后盾。But this is combined with an extremely strong and ubiquitous state.

这一次他可什么都不怕了,在他身后有四个彪形大汉在做他的后盾。He feared nothing this time because four huge men stood behind him.

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众邻国担心是否某天主权主张会以武力作为后盾。Neighbours wonder whether claims will one day be backed with force.

为公司与广大客商提供坚强的后盾。Provide the strong backing for the company and the general merchants.

美元应当由金银来做后盾,所以我们要有硬性货币。The dollar should be backed by gold and silver, so we have hard money.

他的父亲是县内顶尖企业的总经理,这也是他的后盾之一吧。And his father being the president of a leading corporation didn't hurt.

代理人的陈述不能后盾窃听录音,他说。The agent's statements are not backed up by wiretap recordings, he said.

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他们在我困厄之日,袭击了我,然而上主却作了我的后盾。They attacked me on my day of calamity, but the LORD came to my support.

现在,一亿零四百八十万欧元的巨额资金注入,使得尤文拥有了强大的财政后盾。Now Juve can rely on a sizeable increase of capital, 104.8 million euros.

光有真水平没有什么用处,它必须要靠手腕和世故作后盾才能真起作用。Real skill does not work unless it's backed by artifice and worldly wise.