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他是我的结拜兄弟。He's my sworn brother.

他是我的结拜兄弟。He is my sworn brother.

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他是我的结拜兄弟。He is my larger brother.

林冲和鲁智深是结拜兄弟。Lin Chong and Lu Zhishen were sworn brothers.

现在我们是结拜三兄弟了,朝圣者男孩说。Now we are Brothers Three, said the Pilgrim boy.

我给了我师傅一张,哥哥一张,刚结拜的妹妹一张。I gave me a mentor, a brother, a sister has just sworn.

根据一条过去的传统,他成为他的结拜兄弟。According to an early tradition became his sworn brother.

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这里是他与凤贤立誓结拜的地方,但这里只剩下了夕阳。Here is his sworn oath and Fung-yin, but only the sunset here.

这麽样子,于是乎他就把这个结拜的兄弟,推到山涧里头去了。Thinking in this way, he pushed his sworn brother into a mountain torrent.

小张和小王因为感情好而结拜为异姓兄弟。Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang became sworn brothers because of their affection.

后来,两人结拜为兄弟,更是时时刻刻,形影不离。Later, they decided to be sworn brothers and became more intimate than before.

你的“结拜兄弟”就是和你有很好的友谊的一个男孩或者男人。Your "blood brother" is a boy or a man with whom you have a very strong friendship.

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刀锋忽然间提议应将几次被迫中缀的结拜之礼完成。Blade suddenly proposed several times should be forced to complete the dedication to become sworn midfix.

以及游戏帮会名字,结拜名字,让你成为最个性最前卫的网络达人!And the name of the game gang, sworn name, you become the most personal network of people the most avantgarde!

结拜兄弟都遵守一个规矩,称呼对方,不叫对方的名字,而叫自己的名字。In the custom of men who have pledged blood brotherhood, each called the other, not by the other's name, but by his own.

雅芬哥哥,就是我那个结拜兄弟有一支神笔,只要用那支笔画出来的东西都可以活过来。He had a magic brush pen, and all the things he drew with the brush pen could come into life. I was too pleased to know that.

于是乎,他就找了一个结拜的兄弟,两个人一起到山上去挖人蔘。So he found someone with whom he pledged an oath of brotherhood, and the two of them went into the mountains to dig for ginseng.

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女书被发现之初,女书的传人高银仙和她的6个结拜姐妹大都在世。Women's book was found at the beginning, women of high transmission of the book and her silver 6 cents sworn sisters most alive.

随后白孔雀问了王小红的飞刀是哪里来的,王小红说是黑木蛟送给她的,还说自己和黑木蛟是结拜的兄妹。Then ask the white peacock WangXiaoGong poisoned dagger is where come of, WangXiaoGong say HeiMu Jiao gave her, and says he and HeiMu Jiao is become sworn sister or brother.

在彝族山寨,沈婉婷的不幸身世,引起了普花妹的共鸣,二人结为结拜姊妹。In mountain fastness of the Yi nationality, unfortunate one's life experience of Shen Wanting, caused general to spend the resonance of younger sister, 2 people knot is become sister.